Articulate Mercury squares off with feisty Mars, which could coincide with a conflict between the old ways and newer options.
While may feel an urgency to resolve this, we can make gradual changes that make it easier to take things in our stride. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 10th February 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 10th February 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Whatever setbacks you've faced, an innovative blend of energies suggests looking for the advantages in this situation, as it may have more going for it than you think. As the Moon journeys through logical Aquarius today, it encourages you to view this matter from a more detached perspective, as if you do, you could find there are benefits and opportunities to be had. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Tempted to take a shortcut to get more done? Today's busy star map suggests opting for quality rather than quantity, as this can stand you in good stead in the long-term. You may have to deal with a variety of people, and some of them could be rather pernickety. Show warmth and graciousness, and you will not only spread good cheer, but some might come back for more.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the ongoing focus on a high-minded sector, a cause or charitable organization that speaks to you, could become quite a focus over the coming weeks and months. While it might encourage you to join in, donate or spread the word, you may find that other openings arise from being a part of this, including new connections and opportunities that can take you places, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Whatever dramas may be unfolding, you'll do best by not getting sucked into them and dealing with your responsibilities first. What do you want to happen? What would make you feel at ease? It is these things that you need to work on so that you'll feel empowered, and not stretched to your limit and at others' beck and call. Strengthen your own hand, then help others when you can.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A romantic blend of energies may bring on a desire for an adventure that can take you away from the daily grind, and give you a chance to do something relaxing and indulgent with your significant other. As Venus and Jupiter unite, it could bring out the best in both of you, and no matter what difficulties you've had to deal with, your horoscope suggests things might seem so much better for now.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon's link with lovely Venus in your lifestyle zone, might enhance your prospects. You can show up as an attractive and charming person that others will want to engage with. Add to this a link to sunny Jupiter, and the day ahead could bring opportunities to further your interests and to make new friends along the way. There might be a tendency to indulge, so go easy.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This can be a day to trust your intuition, and to act on it. If you do, you could gain something of value that proves beneficial and lucrative by the end of the week. While the voice of common sense is also worth paying attention to, you'll likely know you are onto a good thing because it feels right deep down. Still, researching the details might ease any minor worries, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A virtual event can prove surprisingly pleasant, even if you didn't expect it to. This trend could continue over the days ahead, ringing in more of the feel-good factor. At the same time, the presence of lively Uranus in your relationship zone, might introduce you to interesting and eclectic people who may challenge you, but also delight you and prove a great asset.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With mindful Mercury still rewinding and angling towards feisty Mars, you may have an insight into a social situation that has confused you or left you feeling a tad vulnerable. Once you see what is going on, you might realize that it has nothing to do with you and is more down to a misunderstanding. This knowledge can leave you at peace, and able to respond in the right way.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It can be helpful to set realistic goals rather than attempt to run ahead of things. You may have a lot on your plate, but the current stellar backdrop encourages you to be easier on yourself, otherwise you could end up feeling drained. There is so much that might be of interest to you now that your head can be buzzing with ideas. A good walk may help you to settle, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With communicator Mercury making an edgy angle to Mars, you may find yourself fixated on an idea or opportunity that has great potential. The more you look into it, the more promising it can seem. The only drawback is that it might be a week or so before it is available. Wait it out Aquarius, as it could be worthwhile. Also, do some research so you can take full advantage.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While you might like to be helpful, the coming days could see you doing more than your fair share, and it may be because you really don't want to let someone down. Even so, cosmic forces suggest being good to yourself as well as others, as you likely have your own plans and commitments that need attention, and they won't get done unless you make a start on them.