Mars in Capricorn forges a positive tie with Saturn in Pisces, so we may have an ambitious plan in mind and be eager to get started on it.
We'll have stamina too, so even if something is quite monotonous we'll easily finish it and can soon move onto more enjoyable projects. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 10th January 2024 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 10th January 2024
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A dream or some helpful inner guidance could be just what's needed to get things moving. If a project has been on the backburner, you'll feel an inner nudge to dust it down and try again. With some tinkering and tweaking you can turn it into something that is manageable and that you're enthusiastic about. A burst of energy and renewed confidence will carry you through.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Are you blocking yourself from doing something that you're excited about? Do you lack the confidence to attempt it? If a fear of making a fool of yourself is getting in the way of progress, then the energy of Mars can help you out. It may be the words of a friend or just a feeling that you really can do this, which gets you moving. After the first steps you won't look back.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Looking for ways to stand out from the crowd? It may be that you have a sticking point which is preventing you from strutting your stuff. And once you become aware of this and the impact it's having on you, you'll snap to. Making up your mind to tackle this, whether alone or with help, means you'll soon be in the frame of mind to joyfully step into the spotlight and get moving.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may struggle to accomplish a bold plan alone, but with help you could exceed your expectations. The positive Mars/Saturn link can inspire you to get someone on board, as two heads will be better than one. You won't be in the mood for pointless action, which is why this aspect also encourages you to have a solid plan so you can reach your goal with greater ease.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You'll have the ability to harness your emotions so that they work for you rather than against you. You can make great strides over the next few days if you channel your passion for something into a business idea or goal. If you need to process through an issue to free yourself from pent-up feelings, it's also a good time to talk things over with someone you trust, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may feel drawn to call someone because they have strength and compassion, and this could be an unbeatable combination in your current situation. Need their help? You know you can count on them to do their best. You might also feel a pull to make friends with a person who seems businesslike on the surface. Even so Virgo, you sense that despite this they're a lot of fun.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Has someone changed their mind regarding a plan or proposition? Don't let it worry you Libra, as things might turn out better for you. Go with the flow and trust your gut, as you'll then be in the right frame of mind to make use of new opportunities and developments. Keen to upgrade your eating habits? Start by sorting through the cupboards in your kitchen to begin the process.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A wish could come true, not because you're lucky, but because you'll put in the effort to make it happen. As warrior Mars syncs with disciplined Saturn in Pisces, you'll know what you're capable of and you'll be ready to use your imagination constructively to add creativity and flair to your plans. This positive aspect encourages just the right amount of action and prudence.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This is a day to do something, rather than let a situation play out as it will. Saturn in Pisces could cause you to see life as unfair, but as it's linked with proactive Mars, you'll be catapulted into action. Over coming days, your horoscope reveals you'll take the best and fastest route to getting the result you're after and you'll refuse to let your feelings stop you doing what's best. Soon it will all be resolved.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Today is good for business, and whatever you discuss will come to a successful conclusion. You'll sense what others are feeling, but you won't let this get in the way of the outcome you desire. With Mars in your sign aligning with Saturn in your communication zone, you'll have the ability to drive the conversation in the direction you want it to go, and so make everything okay.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Have a lot to get on with? It may be the emphasis on a secluded zone that keeps you focused on the past and on issues that you can't let go of. The more stuck you feel, the more you'll want to do something about this. A very focused aspect can assist you in finding a constructive way to deal with it. Help from a coach, counsellor or consultant could be a way forward, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You'll appreciate someone who values your many gifts, and who can see the potential in becoming friends with you. It's also possible you'll join a group or link up with people who share your interests or a cause, and who encourage you to be more proactive. Whatever you get involved with today, you're on the road to some great connections and good times ahead.