Horoscopes Tuesday 9th February 2021

Sobering Saturn forges a positive aspect with healer Chiron in Aries which can incline us to take an ongoing issue seriously.

If we need help with it we might be motivated to reach out and ask, which is all to our credit. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 9th February 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 9th February 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Something is in the air Aries, and it may be that mixing with certain people is causing you to rethink your ideas, ideals and values. The way you have always thought or acted can now begin to change, encouraging you to embrace concepts that could bring fresh opportunities, exciting new friends and other benefits. Easy does it though, there is no rush. Be gentle with yourself.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Does it seem that you are trying to live up to an impossible ideal? If so, there is no need to put yourself under so much stress, Taurus. You are human too, and everyone makes mistakes. Give yourself some leeway, and don't worry if something doesn't go according to plan. Your horoscope suggests that might warm to you because of your faults and peccadilloes, more than you ever imagined.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Don't ignore those feelings that need attention, much as you might prefer to push them under the carpet. A Mercury/Mars angle could find you ready to take on a challenge, but hesitant and overwhelmed at what it entails. If you have doubts or are fearful about the future, acknowledge this Gemini, and just take things step-by-step. You may find it's not nearly so hard after all.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a lively focus bringing new interests into your life, it can seem that you no longer sync with certain friends who prefer you to stay as you are. They could question your reasons for getting involved, and it is this that you might resent. You can't hold back the tide though. It may be time to let go of certain associations if they have become a drag and drain on you, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A potent blend of energies can see you keen to mingle in new circles. This is all to the good Leo, as in the process you might make positive new friends. But with an edgy link also showing up, assessing one social connection more objectively over coming days, may help you see it in perspective, especially if there is an issue with them that challenges a topic of concern to you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Even though there is a focus on maintaining stability, a very lively aspect might see you entertaining ideas that take you into the unknown. This may not be such a bad thing though. To progress, it can be essential to try anything that moves us along our chosen path, even if we have little experience. The key could be to make such changes with care and mindfulness.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Conflicting interests could make it more difficult to get things done. You may be very excited by a creative idea, a budding romance or an opportunity, and it might divert energy from an issue that needs to be resolved or a responsibility that needs attending to. Get that pressing matter out of the way, even if you don't want to, and you'll be free to do those things you really love.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As sultry Venus aligns with the expansive energies of Jupiter, an encounter could prove very inspiring. You may be keen to nurture this link and take it further, if you feel it's worthwhile. But regarding another association, you might wonder about the true cost of it. Even if you are fond of this person, there is a limit to how much you can do for them, and you may feel this very keenly.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With sultry Venus linking to Jupiter, this week brings an opportunity to enjoy new experiences with a friend or social group. You may be looking for something different that encourages you to try out novel activities. Yes, cost can be a factor Archer, but don't let it stop you in your tracks. You don't need the expensive option if a cheaper one will do just as well for now.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You might have a more productive few days if you leave awkward matters out of conversations. If they show up anyway, then the best way to handle them is to be as objective as possible. With your ideas and values undergoing a major shift though, you can't help but clash with others. The time may come Capricorn, when you'll need to be true to yourself no matter what others say.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be so fired up with new ideas, that you have forgotten about your body and its needs. It might be just as well to pause and tune in. If you have been so caught up in your latest plans that you haven't eaten or slept properly, then it could be time to give yourself some nurturing. Good food, nutritious meals and relaxation can soon buoy you up for the next round, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Moon's merger with transformative Pluto could make for an intense day, when you might be less inclined to empathize and more likely to feel defensive. This and Mercury's edgy tie to Mars, can coincide with the chance of misunderstandings. If you feel a reaction to someone's words coming on, pause a while Pisces. A more considered approach might reveal it to be nothing.

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