Horoscopes Tuesday 9th April 2019

As lovely Venus ties with compassionate Neptune we may willing to sacrifice our time or resources to help out another.

We may also find it easy to empathize with others even if we don't know them that well. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 9th April 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 9th April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon's tie with fiery Mars in Gemini may be the spur needed to clear the air. There may be reasons why things get complicated over coming days, with challenging angles showing up. So if you can be a few steps ahead of everyone else, then you may have a better chance to respond to an opportunity. Stating what you want can bring clarity, and it might help you make progress. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It can seem that keeping your ideas to yourself is the best way to ensure nobody bothers you. You might prefer that your lovely dreams about what is possible remain intact for now, rather than be disillusioned. Is this wise? In reality, broaching this subject could be empowering, as even if others suggest a few changes, your horoscope reveals you may now be motivated to bring your ideas to life.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may want to believe someone when they tell you something of interest, and yet your sixth sense might tell you not to. Sweet Venus's tie with ethereal Neptune, could be a call not to take them at face value, but to look more deeply into their motives. If you can catch a glimpse of what makes this person tick, you will know how far you can trust them now and in the future.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a Sun Saturn angle stirring up emotions over coming days, you might prefer to keep quiet rather than talk about them. This aspect suggests you can be sensitive to criticism which could leave you a tad vulnerable. Sometimes things happen to encourage personal growth, and this event may be a chance to consider what is stopping you from fully sharing your real feelings.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Edgy aspects over coming days can leave you feeling as though you have too much to contend with, bringing on a sense of overwhelm. If you can take a reduced schedule, this might help you get your bearings and consider what you could delegate or even cut out altogether. It may be time to let certain unproductive activities go for good and include more of what you enjoy.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Moon's link with dynamic Mars in a prominent sector, could inspire you to air your feelings on a certain matter, especially if it's something you think others need to know about. Making it public can open the way for discussion and allow different viewpoints to be shared. And if you wanted this to be a spur to action, then it could be, as others may be keen to support your cause.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Some things matter, and others may not. Which is why today's Moon Mars tie amplifies the bigger picture, and can leave you with a better idea of where your priorities lie. There may be events and situations to attend to simultaneously, so knowing what to focus on first can leave your head spinning. Think about the long-term and the very short-term, and then find a balance Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you have never spoken about an intense issue, then it could make a positive difference and be quite a relief Scorpio. You may start out by venting, but could soon find that letting it all out seems to release blocks within you, and that ideas and solutions may be more available. On a romantic note, a soulful blend of energies can enhance a love bond and make it even sweeter.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With expansive Jupiter as your ruling planet, you love to see patterns in life and to look for the bigger picture. It will regress in a couple of days, and over the coming months can bring the realization that what seems like random events may be part of an ongoing process. You may find yourself reflecting on a series of coincidences and how they have confirmed an intuitive nudge.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A desire to indulge could be strong, and you may see no reason why you shouldn't give in to it. Other more practical influences can encourage you to invest time and money wisely though. There is also an opportunity for an in-depth discussion that can lead to positive changes. What starts as an interesting chat can develop into a workable plan as the momentum quickly builds.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There may be a lot going on in your mind that you can't or don't want to discuss. Don't feel you have to Aquarius, as some issues require time. If others want to know what is happening, don't feel obliged to tell them until you are ready. Even so, the days ahead can bring one matter to a head, and if you can discuss this with someone it can leave you feeling a lot more hopeful.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Knowing your true worth can prevent others from siphoning away your time over coming days Pisces. Yet it is also possible that you might make yourself too available, even though you likely have other things to attend to. Current influences suggest that it may be wise to put your own routines and plans first as a way to maintain greater control over your life and leisure options.