Today’s Horoscopes Tuesday 8th September 2015

Whilst the Sun continues to forge a great transforming link with Pluto, ironically, Mercury is actually clashing with the tiniest planet in our solar system. We need to avoid dogmatism at all costs.

With Mercury in Libra, the emphasis is very much on fairness, and of course, on balance. We may see some situations played out in wider society where more authoritarian tactics are used to repel those who are seeking greater social justice. However, Pluto can still be a force for good in its angle with the Sun in Virgo in that it asks us to make sure any changes we plan can be tangible and long-lasting. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 8th September 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although it's a good idea to get into work mode and move away from too many adventures, it might not be easy in practice. This week's Mars/Uranus aspect can keep you on tenterhooks waiting for the next exciting event. However, you might avoid potential pitfalls by attending to key details. Don't be tempted to gloss over them.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Let a good idea go to work for you and don't be put off by red tape or any glaring obstacles at the outset. With just a little compromise it should find acceptance – and it might be in the most unlikely quarters. Looking to home and family issues, an unexpected guest could be both a delight and something of a challenge.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The degree to which you're keen to splurge could act as a barometer of your emotions. And as today's Cancer Moon links with Uranus, the weather may be set to mildly unsettled. An edgy or frustrated mood could see you keen to shop in the hopes that it helps you feel better. Even so, a long walk might be just as effective. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You can be quick off the mark and may not have the patience to deal with the intricacies of financial issues or of a complex plan. However, brushing such matters aside might not benefit you either, so you'd be better to curb that mood and do what you have to do. If you are available to meet with a friend later, it can be uplifting.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be the knowledge that you have responsibilities to attend to that holds you back from an impromptu trip or adventure. This week's Mars Uranus energy can be a distraction unless you can channel this energy productively. Bearing this is mind, if you can do something very active or mentally stimulating, then do, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Though you may appear cool, calm and collected, your deeper feelings might be a very different picture. Today's line-up could see you itching to do something different rather than go to work or tackle everyday tasks and chores. However, you'll have no trouble involving yourself in a hobby you're fairly passionate about.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A developing Mercury Pluto link suggests the potential for a spat, which could boil down to a difference of opinion. You'll do yourself a service though, if you refuse to let a certain person get to you. One way to diffuse any bad feeling might be to connect for a chat or go to a social event together and just forget about it.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Venus, now pushing ahead in your sector of goals and ambitions, can mean an end to any delays or setbacks you've experienced, particularly as a result of misunderstandings. Matters between you and close people now resolve themselves swiftly, paving the way for greater productivity and a chance to get back on track.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Although it helps to handle volatile topics with sensitivity, today has plenty to offer in the way of leisure and pleasure options. These might involve playing sport, taking your children for an outing or getting involved with a hobby you enjoy. Even while relaxing your mind may be on ways to achieve a personal goal.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Useful information may show up at just the right time to save you from an embarrassing situation. Indeed, some may be tempted to spin a situation in order to make it sound less of an issue than it was. By evening, solace can be found in a good book, movie or perhaps in learning a new skill that proves a good mental test.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You and another person may be in cahoots concerning a dashing idea you're keen to try out. If so and you are egging each other on, you may decide to go that little bit further than you would if you were attempting it alone. However, with Mars and Uranus linking, throttle back so that what you do has lasting value.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although the Cancer Moon may encourage thoughts of relaxation and leisure, you might find you're too full of energy to slow down. Today's alignments may be best handled by staying active. Indeed, should you feel like working out, swimming or walking they may well help you to feel calmer and more focused on key matters.