Luscious Venus enters the passionate sign of Scorpio from today and this could take a key relationship to a new level of involvement.
We may feel more emotionally connected at a deeper level and this can be the catalyst that encourages us to commit further. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 7th November 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 7th November 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With a potent alignment in the intense sign of Scorpio, a powerful perspective may draw you into relationships or situations that can encourage change and growth. The presence of stirring Mars in the more detached sign of Libra could benefit you greatly too, if it enables you to make more logical decisions at times when your emotions could dominate your perspective. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Sweet Venus, your ruler, moves into your sector of relating, adding a sparkling quality to your relationships and everyday associations. Indeed, your interactions with others appear to be generally supportive Taurus. Yet surging emotions may encourage a more controlling approach at times. Better outcomes might occur though, if you can relax and flow with any key events.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The questing Mercury, now in your sector of relating, can encourage you to explore new facets of an important relationship. This could see you both relishing a challenge or a novel experience that can expand your horizons, while also bringing you closer together. On another note, the desire to indulge might be rather strong unless you have the discipline to stave off any temptation.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although one facet of your chart shows you may be prepared to put in hard work to realize an ambition, another aspect suggests that more leisurely pursuits can call out to you. With sociable Venus entering your pleasure sector from today enlivening a sparkling influence, the coming weeks can sizzle with promise regarding lively activities, bringing a chance to enjoy life.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun your ruler in your domestic sector along with other upbeat planets, you may derive great satisfaction from time spent at home, and the opportunity it affords for some self-care. You may have a lot on in terms of your job or general responsibilities, but can also find yourself relishing family gatherings and interactions and the deep satisfaction that comes from them.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be called upon to make a sacrifice over coming days, and even if inconvenient, you might be so keen initially that you decide to go ahead anyway. Once you have made a start you could regret your offer though. However, it is equally likely that the person in question will not forget you and that because of your kindly thoughts good things will come back to you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Try not to feel bad if you don't have the necessary experience to accomplish a key task. This is especially the case if an opportunity appears that could improve your life. The present picture encourages you to have a go, as with a focused line-up in your sector of learning and communication you can quickly pick up new skills. And the end result could be very pleasing.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Key influences suggest that you can make steady progress regarding financial matters by adopting a sound strategy. However, you might feel like hurrying things up, which could lead you to consider schemes that may be too good to be true. The confident focus on your sign might encourage you to go down this route, but in practice your horoscope suggests the slower and steadier path can be better.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A key aspect involving cautious Saturn in your sign and its angle with a more sensitive influence, could lead you to temporarily doubt your judgement. You may have second thoughts about something that seemed a great idea not so long ago. However, a sterling line-up in a private sector suggests that your intuition can be spot on and that it may have an answer for you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With delightful Venus moving into your social sector from today where she joins flamboyant Jupiter and the Sun, the coming weeks can be excellent for all kinds of get-togethers. Her presence can encourage greater warmth in your interactions, paving the way for new friendships and collaborations. Romantic opportunities can show up, and the flame of love be rekindled.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Charm can be an aid to uncovering new opportunities, as with convivial influences showing up in your sector of goals and ambitions, a warm approach can see you accomplishing much. Your relationships with key people could develop in warmth and this may lead to rich associations and positive developments in the future. In this regard, things are certainly looking up for you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A lovely line-up in your adventure zone might see you seeking out new experiences whether in terms of travel, adventure or through delving into studies that you can relish. You could explore such options solo, but joining up with others or another can make it all so much more interesting. If you're considering a break with a loved one, time together can allow for deeper bonding.