Horoscopes Tuesday 7th July 2020

With the Moon in Aquarius angling towards eclectic Uranus this can be a day of surprises and unexpected encounters.

While there may be some disruption to our plans interesting ideas, information or opportunities might appear out of the blue. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 7th July 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 7th July 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Sociable influences can find you keen to connect and to spend time networking, and some interesting conversations could result from this. While you may feel pressure regarding responsibilities, there might be some distractions too as the Moon angles to Uranus. You need to set your priorities for the day and stick with them, otherwise it could be hard to get much done. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A hint of an opportunity may be on the cards, and while it could need work to make it more of a certainty, today can see you taking that first step and registering your interest. You might not agree with everything, but don't get into a spat about minor issues Taurus, make a start and tweak the details later. Had vivid dreams? It is worth taking note of any that are very striking.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While there may be more serious issues to attend to, today's lunar ties can find you eager to share a message with the world, whether you do so via social media, a blog or video. Something you say could strike a chord and can have more impact than you realize. What might stop you? A belief that you could be a lone voice, and no-one will be interested, which is not the case at all.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Soften your tone even in the face of criticism, and you may be surprised at the response. If you have something deeply personal to say, then doing it with a smile can make it easier to break down any barriers and leave others or another feeling validated. Still, with a heavy-duty focus on your sector of relating, there are times when a sterner approach is the only way to make a point.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Someone might make an impact today, and could be the ideal person to collaborate with on a plan or idea. It is worth taking the time to chat and find out more about them, and yet first impressions will likely be proved right. A word of warning though, don't presume they know less than you, as they could surprise you with their depth of knowledge and understanding on a topic of interest.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It might help to set your priorities today, otherwise you could find yourself overwhelmed with tasks that all seem to cry out to you at once, not to mention the promises you have made to others. Do the most important while you have energy and once these are out of the way, you will be free to do anything else, or even to take time out Virgo, and enjoy some self-care and pampering.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You might connect with someone who seems a world away from you in terms of their ideas, culture and identity, and yet you could get along extremely well. If so, it may be worth investing some time and energy into this bond, as your mutual interests can open doors for both of you. Is someone's company stopping you getting things done? Your horoscope suggests letting them know as sensitively as you can.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Sharing something personal may not come naturally to you, but doing so could help someone to feel much better. The Moon's link to sweet Venus in a psychological zone, suggests that they could feel lighter and brighter for talking to you. An edgy Mercury/Mars angle might need more careful handling Scorpio. If you can't agree a plan of action, a compromise will have to do.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your ability to talk about so many topics with your trademark witty banter, could make you a popular addition to any group chat. If you have something that needs to be discussed and that could cause tension, then go easy, as there is potential for misunderstandings. Does this talk touch on delicate issues? Putting yourself in another's shoes might help you appreciate their perspective.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Need a break and a chance to relax? Indulge in something that allows you to escape into another world, such as reading a good book or watching an inspirational movie. Seeing how other people deal with challenges can give you ideas as to how you might respond to you own. You may have a lot to contend with Capricorn, but sharing what you are going through could make life easier.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be grappling with a misunderstanding, but that doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy the day. A lovely Moon/Venus angle encourages you to connect with those who uplift you and make you laugh. Whatever the issue you are dealing with, try not to take things too personally as it will likely sort itself out. Just attend to the details and make sure all is in order.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Should you spend or save? An edgy angle can make it difficult to know what to do in this regard. Look at things in perspective Pisces, especially if you haven't treated yourself to anything nice in a while. You don't have to go over the top, just find something that satisfies you and leaves you feeling really good. A delightful Moon/Venus angle encourages you to say yes, and enjoy it.

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