Horoscopes Tuesday 7th August 2018

Electric Uranus turns retrograde from today until early next year, which could see us being more impulsive regarding key issues.

We may be ready to do anything to be free of situations that are too restrictive. A step-by-step approach can be less stressful though. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 7th August 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 7th August 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Venus the planet of relationships forging a harmonious angle to feisty Mars, there is a suggestion that a friendship that seemed rather quiet recently could benefit from a get-together. The same could be said of a budding romance that might have appeared rather on and off. Whatever has kept you apart can soon lose it influence Aries. For now though, persevere. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the wounded healer Chiron rewinding in a sensitive zone for some while yet, it may be time to face up to thoughts and situations that have been pushed back into the deeper areas of your psyche. You don't have to do this all at once though, as it is work to be approached very gently. Your dreams may provide clues, but your feelings can bring powerful guidance as well.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As future orientated Uranus enters its rewind phase in a secluded zone, it would be no surprise if the idea of change left you feeling more vulnerable than usual. This can be because the cosmos is inviting you to let go of patterns of thinking that may have become a source of security and safety. Your horoscope hints it may be time to explore new concepts that allow you to live more fully.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With lively Jupiter your work and wellness planet in a leisurely and happy-go-lucky zone, you might benefit from taking a more relaxed and even playful attitude to your days, especially if everyday tasks have become a grind of late. If there are chores that you have been putting off, you might benefit from a fresh perspective that allows you to tackle them in a more creative way.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be in the mood to change your circumstances and perhaps your environment too. If aspects of your life have seemed too repetitive, then a Solar Eclipse in your sign later in the week angling towards expansive Jupiter, might either inspire you to move, or to stay put and expand your range of activities and circle of friends, both of which might help you reinvent yourself.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With delectable Venus now in Libra and your money zone, the coming weeks can see you perhaps relaxing your grip where spending is concerned. However, as this luxury-loving planet will soon move to oppose a more vulnerable point in an emotional zone, you may sense that what you really need is some self-care and pampering, which could certainly boost your morale.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your spirited mood could be just what is needed to help someone feel much better about themselves. If someone you know appears to have lost their spark, then asking them out for a coffee and a chat could see them visibly brightening as you talk. Even if you don't see them again for a while, when you next connect they may thank you for being such an inspiration.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With edgy Uranus rewinding in your sector of relating until early next year, your love life and friendships could seem to follow a more intriguing pattern. This doesn't mean that there will be issues, but more that those you think you know may reveal qualities that you hadn't noticed before. It could be a hidden talent or a personality trait that you begin to find attractive Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

From today, there will be six planets in retrograde phase, as restless Uranus pauses and gets ready to go into reverse in your work and lifestyle sector. Therefore, much as you might want to go forward with key plans it may be better to prepare the groundwork first. If there are obstacles in your path, this is the time to tackle them so that when the time is right, you will be prepared.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A dynamic blend of energies suggests that your preference can be to think big. There may be no plan that is too grand or project that is too ambitious. Your level of confidence could even inspire others to be equally bold when it comes to making their own dreams a reality. Even so, with huge Jupiter involved, it may be sensible to get practical advice and not rush anything.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As electric Uranus enters its retro phase in your sector of feelings, it can coincide with unexpected events that may encourage change deep within you. This may be necessary to help you move out of a situation that might have become too stifling. The cosmos hints it is time for a new beginning, but it could take place out of sight as patterns of thought and feeling slowly begin to shift.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can be more sensitive than usual to whatever may be going on, and especially to other family members. With the Moon and ethereal Neptune angling towards each other, you might pick up on something that you hadn't noticed before. It may be the whisper of a feeling about someone Pisces, but it could be worth attending to as the chances are that it is accurate.