Horoscopes Tuesday 5th June 2018

With delightful Venus moving to oppose potent Pluto, feelings about a situation or for someone can be quite compelling.

Although logic may tell us to hold back, powerful emotions can see us pushing ahead regardless. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 5th June 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 5th June 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There is no need to plan your activities in great detail over coming days, as it can be helpful to give yourself some leeway. Furthermore, if you are invited to an event, then do consider going as unexpected encounters could lead to new opportunities and breakthroughs in your life. Keeping an open mind when faced with unforeseen situations might lead to some fresh developments. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Friends may not mean to mislead you when enticing you to join a club or group, but it can be wise to read the terms and conditions and check if there are any costs involved before you agree. With the Sun and lively Mercury in your money zone angling towards nebulous Neptune, there is the potential to make an error of judgment. A little research can prevent such mistakes Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be fired up by a new book, film or an idea that grabs your attention and that promises to keep your curiosity alive. However, with planets in your sign linking to ethereal Neptune over coming days, you could find it difficult to get on with activities that pertain to personal ambitions or responsibilities. Sort these out first Gemini, and you can indulge to your heart's content.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If there are important tasks to complete, then the cosmos encourages you to get on with them right away. The reason for this is that over the days ahead, life can take a more distracting turn, and events can show up which make it more difficult for you to complete everything on time. Putting in the effort now Cancer, can mean you'll find it easier to take everything in your stride.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Even though there is a focus on maintaining stability, a very lively aspect might see you entertaining ideas that can take you into the unknown. This may not be such a bad thing, though to progress, it can be essential to try things that can move us along our chosen path, even if we have little experience of them. The key can be to make such changes slowly and thoughtfully.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may have no qualms about helping a friend if they appeal to your emotions. But over coming days, you might have matters of your own that require attention. If their neediness has become a habit, gentle encouragement to become more self-reliant could help. Your horoscope hints this can be necessary if you have a goal or plan that requires some effort in order for you to succeed.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It can seem that a decision was a mistake, especially if nothing much seems to have changed. Over the days ahead though, you may realize that any apparent delays could be helpful to you. With confusing Neptune involved in the mix, this may not be the best time to make a fresh start, as you could be fuddled by a lack of clarity and miss something that could be crucial to your plans.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If certain people take delight in flattering you, you may wonder if they have an ulterior motive. They probably have your best interests at heart, but it is very possible they need something as well. They may be easy to deal with in comparison to another person though, who could seem rather intense Scorpio, and who may be quite pushy once they sense you have what they want.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Moon in Pisces and your home zone linking to Uranus in your lifestyle sector, don't be afraid to experiment with new ideas or ways of doing things, especially those related to home and family matters, or to your sense of wellbeing. What is most important is that you try something that intrigues you and that seems offer a new way to feel good inside and out.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you don't plan ahead this week, you may find that your time is frittered away on things that don't really matter. Before you know it, you may have failed to accomplish all you wanted to. Distracting influences can shorten your attention span, and because of this, you may find it hard to focus unless you push yourself. With a little effort Capricorn, you could get a lot more done.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With lively Mercury, the planet of ideas, now in the most creative, expressive and romantic sector of your chart, and soon to merge with the illuminating Sun, this can be one of the better times to get involved in activities that can be an outlet for your skills or a chance to let off steam. Whether you engage in a hobby, a sport or an event, indulging can leave you relaxed and refreshed.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Good communication can be the key to resolving a homely issue that may have been lingering on for some while. The more you and others are willing to talk about it, the more you can appreciate their point of view. And new perspectives on this matter might come to light that can make a big difference. Suddenly, what seemed confusing, can become crystal clear Pisces.