The Moon in Aquarius aligns with sobering Saturn so we may be in a thoughtful and reflective mood.
We may be inclined to see the glass half empty rather than half full, and to underestimate rather than overestimate. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 4th January 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 4th January 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A restless lunar link, hints you may be ready for something fresh that can transport you into a much better situation. It's also possible that a stroke of good fortune could leave you excited by the varied possibilities ahead of you. You'll be ready to look beyond limits, and find a new way to navigate through any issues. Need guidance? A soulful influence might bring potent dreams.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
High tech could play an even bigger part in your life than it does already, and this might tie in with a sparkly aspect, that finds you keen to use it in innovative ways for work and play. You may begrudge replacing or upgrading an item though, but if it can make life easier and perhaps allow time for more interesting activities, it's worth it. A break from it could also be good, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It's now or never, or at least that's how it can seem to you, Gemini. A proposition could leave you ready to down tools and jump into a situation that seems made for you. The only thing that might hold you back is an attachment to what's going on in your life already. You'll need a way to bridge the gap from old to new, so that you don't jeopardize all you have worked so hard for.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You're not normally seen as being extravagant, but under the current restless sky, you may feel an urge to take risks that are best avoided. You could splurge on the spur of the moment, on something that seems just what you're looking for. It might be a good investment, but perhaps not one that is necessary now. Before you shell out cash, think about your true needs, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The idea of freedom may seem important, and more so than it has in some time. The Moon's angle to maverick Uranus can find you eager to shake off any situation that is oppressive, and aim for better circumstances. And the present zingy line-up suggests your approach to certain relationships might change. Would more independence be good for you both? Have a talk about it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
This is a great time for creative change, encouraging you to experiment with zesty ideas. New ways of working could appeal, especially if you use technology to make life easier for you. On a romantic note, a tender Venus/Neptune link can find you and your partner ready to enjoy a special evening together. Your horoscope reveals that a chance for some alone time might bring you so much closer, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As Venus aligns with Neptune in your lifestyle zone, this might be the perfect opportunity to spend the day doing as little as possible, within reason! This dreamy aspect can find you ready to take life at a much slower pace, and to relish a few indulgences. In addition, channelling your skills into a unique project could be rewarding, while engaging your creative side too, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As prudent Saturn moves further away from Uranus an impasse can begin to shift, and there may be the chance of a compromise. And while an issue might be far from over, there is the suggestion that things are better than before. On a more rebellious note, if you're keen to ring in the changes on the home front, it's well worth talking about it with the family before you go ahead, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may feel moved to do something that could enhance your life and open new doors. It might be something you've been researching that greatly excites you. A feeling of optimism could inspire you to make that bold move, even if it demands a lot. If an opportunity shows up that leads you in a new direction, you won't hold back and could be exhilarated by the challenge.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With sterling Saturn your ruler still angling towards revolutionary Uranus, and with both zapped by the Moon today, you may be keen to invest in something that has some risk associated with it. If it's a small sum of money, then you won't be too bothered if it doesn't work out. If it's a bigger amount, then a few calculations and helpful advice could help put your mind at rest.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With a Moon/Uranus angle showing today, the desire for a new environment that can expand your horizons may be uppermost in your mind. And if you haven't taken steps that could lead to a more authentic way of life, then promptings from the cosmos might push you. This doesn't have to be anything major, but new developments can be on the cards for you sooner than you think.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The desire for fairer and more humanitarian conditions can find you ready to connect with others who share your perspective, and who also want to make the world a better place. Current and powerful aspects suggest this is a good time to revamp your own life so that it reflects the principles that are most important to you, Pisces. Your example might then be one to follow.