Lovely Venus's aspect to prudent Saturn can be excellent for all kinds of business meetings and for cementing agreements.
Invited to a formal event? The connections we make could benefit us greatly over the long-term. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 4th February 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 4th February 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Gemini Moon and its link to dreamy Neptune, can find you more sensitive to criticism and perhaps keen not to upset anyone. And yet with feisty Mars in the blunt sign of Sagittarius, others may not hesitate to say what they think. You can get support from friends though, and spending time in good company could help you feel less vulnerable and a lot more positive.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You won't be worried about making waves, as the Mercury Uranus tie encourages you to speak your truth. By doing so you may find that opportunities come your way and doors open fast. It helps to be tactful too though, as a blunt approach could scupper your chances. Be honest but don't overdo it Taurus, as it may be too much for some. Still, you'll feel good for speaking out.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A powerful focus on a prominent sector may result in you being proactive and therefore, noticed by all the right people. With a lively aspect on the boil, things could go one stage further if you decide to share a brilliant idea with someone at the top. Don't let doubts hold you back, as they could. Instead, be willing to take a leap of faith as good things can emerge from this if you do.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A spur of the moment decision could see you booked on a flight for a quick break Cancer, or a longer vacation. The current excitable energies may leave you yearning for far horizons and a chance to sample the culture of another country. Before you fully commit though, give yourself a little time to look around at other options and offers, just to be sure it is the right one for you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Though you may have strong feelings for someone, there are times when you need your own space, and this could be one of them. You might need some breathing space and a chance to get your bearings just for a while. The Venus Saturn link suggests this might be a good time to withdraw and reflect. Your horoscope suggests that dealing with this sensitively will help avoid any hurt feelings Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As upbeat Mercury your ruler ties harmoniously with electric Uranus, you may be drawn to information that can make a radical difference to your life, or perhaps revolutionize it in some way. While you are usually grounded Virgo, someone's enthusiasm could see you instantly implementing actions that require co-operation and collaboration to get the results you want.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
An edgy lunar link with aquatic Neptune in your lifestyle zone, suggests you may have bright ideas about exploring new options or going on a trip. But when it comes down to it, the energy may be lacking. This is a temporary aspect, so you'll likely be back to normal fairly soon. Even so, you could use this opportunity for a pampering session and for enjoying some self-care Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Ready to give your place a different look, and one that has a more spacious quality? Doing so could bring a sense of harmony to your home and enhance peace of mind. If you have too many possessions to make this possible but would like to go ahead anyway, then the radiant Sun can shine on any major hotspots, encouraging you to get them cleared away in no time at all Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Need a good idea? You won't be short today or over coming days Archer. Some of these ideas may come like a flash from the blue, and could be the result of synchronicity or a lively conversation. On another note, if you need a new gadget to assist with your work or a personal project, this can be a good time to go in search of one, as you may get it at the perfect price.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Keen to move out of a confining situation Capricorn? A conversation could leave you excited and eager to take action. And it may be just the pep talk you need. Don't rush into anything though, if it means there is no going back. If you want to make changes, then slow and steady is best. Plus, a harmonious Sun/Moon aspect hints that a wise investment could bring good returns.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A brilliant idea for raising extra money could come out of the blue, especially if you need it for a purchase or a project you're working on. A flash of inspiration could also be just what is needed to repair a household item. Rather than splashing out on a replacement, you may be able to get a part or get someone with some savvy to fix it at very little cost, leaving you with money to spare.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Whatever you're doing, this isn't the time to go with the crowd Pisces, but to be original. A very exciting blend of energies allows you to think out of the box whether you're solving a problem, working on a creative project or considering what to wear on a date. This way you'll certainly get noticed and it could work to your advantage. Busy with a project? A clear plan can help.