Horoscopes Tuesday 30th July 2019

As the Moon in Cancer opposes powerful Pluto feelings can intensify and it may be the smallest things that could cause a stir.

Still, even though this transit is temporary it could teach us much about any blind spots we may have, and this greater awareness can be an arbiter of change. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 30th July 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 30th July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Processing any uncomfortable feelings into sport or other activities, could prove empowering. A feisty alignment can be an opportunity to let off steam or get ahead with a creative project that may have dragged on for too long. As a result, you could feel more poised and calmer for having worked off some of these emotions, allowing you to get key projects off to a positive start.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The cosmic backdrop can encourage you to take up an art or craft that might be perfect for beautifying your home. If you have wanted to add your own creative touches, then this may be a good time to have a go. Made your first item and proudly installed it? You might be inspired to do more. And honing this ability might earn you some extra cash or net you more admirers Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon in the emotional sign of Cancer and its edgy connection to Saturn and Pluto, might encourage you to read more into a situation than is there. And while this is only a temporary aspect, it could cause you to overact, unless you can adopt a more relaxed approach. Yet the influence of sweet Venus encourages communication, which as your horoscope reveals can assist in key conversations.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could be irritated by a minor matter that someone is expecting you to sort out. But the present setup suggests that to let your angst show, might not help. If you have more urgent things to take care of, then a promise to resolve this later may well be enough. This could be a call for attention though, so dealing with this person in a caring way may be all that's needed.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With structured Saturn in your lifestyle sector, you may have carved out daily routines that have now become automatic, and that allow you to accomplish key goals with ease. Yet you may find some of them have become so habitual, you have lost track of the reasons why you are still doing them. If so, it may be time to consider your priorities and re-evaluate your schedule.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As feisty Mars forges an edgy angle to dreamy Neptune, you may not have as much say in a key issue as you would like. A side of you may be very keen to influence the way a decision or plan is going, but instead you could feel as though you aren't being heard or acknowledged. Stand back, as over coming weeks, you will soon be able to make a more dynamic contribution.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Are you putting in a lot of effort and not getting anywhere? If so, it may be that on an unconscious level, you feel unworthy of the success or happiness you are working towards. Lunar ties with Saturn and Pluto, hint that you may be responding to feelings generated in younger years that surface from time to time. Just knowing this, can be enough to help you on your way.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If the attitude of someone in authority grates on you over the next day or so, then this can be an opportunity to practice patience. Talking to them might help you to understand why they think as they do, and enable you to empathize with them. This doesn't mean that you should go along with their suggestions, but a chat might see you either compromising or agreeing to disagree.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With lively Mercury rewinding in an emotional zone, your mind may be tuned to deeper issues and to doing something about those that need resolving. With the planet of talk and thought slowing prior to turning direct in a few days, one matter may intensify, enabling you to see it for what it is and take appropriate action. You'll feel better for facing it rather than pushing it away.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you can't seem to chime with the suggestions of a loved one, then don't immediately dismiss their ideas. Awkward angles involving the Moon could stir up feelings, and you may wonder about their motives. Give it a few hours and you may see things from a different perspective. By asking questions you may appreciate their reasoning and might be more inclined to co-operate.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If someone offers to do something nice for you, you may be inclined to refuse, feeling that perhaps they are being too generous. This could be down to an awkward link between Mars and dreamy Neptune, which might make it easier to give than receive. And while it is great to be generous Aquarius, letting others give back to you is equally important to keep the flow going.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could find yourself thinking about a friend and wondering how they are. If so, the cosmos positively encourages you to connect, and to do so soon. If you have missed them, then an evening filled with conversation that allows both of you to bare your soul and feel better for doing so, could prove a very positive experience for both of you. Be the one to make that call.