Horoscopes Tuesday 2nd February 2016

Mars is incredibly important this week but we do need to use his help in the right way. Bluster, and empty and over ambitious claims will get us somewhere, and then lose us credibility. Be bold, but be wise. 

He links with both the planet of change Pluto, and also the planet of plenty Jupiter. But avoid exaggeration with all your being. A lot of excess nervous energy is still pulsating around the heavens and we need to ground our energies to make this work. Do not be too evangelical! For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 2nd February 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 2nd February 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although present planetary influences can offer one or two challenges, you seem to have arrived at a place where you feel you have something positive to contribute; something that can make a noticeable difference to your life or that of others. Some people may be keen to support you in your efforts, but with those that don't, try to be philosophical.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may feel it's time to make a major hope of yours a reality, particularly if this idea has been circulating in the back of your mind for some time. Jupiter's presence in your creative zone may be prompting you to attempt it, and backed by your desire to achieve results, there's no reason why you shouldn't go ahead. Don't let any self-doubts inhibit you, Taurus. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you can trust your instincts you may accomplish more in your everyday affairs than you might ordinarily. However, with other impulses fighting for recognition within your mind, you could easily lose track of those valuable insights. Even so, just one or two minutes of quiet time might give those key intuitive nudges and the chance to relay their promptings.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

What goes right over the days ahead may more than outweigh what seems to go awry, and especially in the area of shared resources, where you might be in need of some inspiration. The issues you're faced with may seem complex, but if you haven't yet discussed them with anyone, doing so today can create a more positive perspective, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Resist the urge to be overly critical Leo, and even more so around family members; for one may also be feeling more sensitive. Mind, once the Moon heads into Sagittarius, you could turn your attention to other, more engaging matters. Even so, it helps not to antagonize anyone, as later in the week that very person could be the one you need to collaborate with.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you're considering revitalising your diet with a more holistic, crunchier and nutrient rich approach, then you might want to make a few changes to support you in your efforts. These can be as minor as giving away foodstuffs you no longer want or purchasing time saving gadgets that make it easier to prepare and cook your lovely new, nutritious dishes.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your sensitivity to others' feelings might cause you to worry unduly about their reactions, and prevent you from doing or saying something that's actually really important to you. Nevertheless, it's likely you'll be prompted to talk about it over the days ahead anyway. Think that although someone may object, for the most part you can garner a lot of support.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As Mars aligns with Pluto and Mercury it can bring out that very determined side of your nature. And if you have your mind set on an idea or specific outcome, chances are you'll do your utmost to remove obstacles to progress. However, bearing in mind this week's upcoming planetary backdrop, staying flexible and meeting others half way, can help too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As Mars continues to journey through your psychological zone, it may have stirred up a lot of memories that have caused you to stop and think. However, take heart, for you are a formidable match for whatever issues you're dealing with, you just need to believe that this is so. Also, it's about taking the time to sort emotional issues, rather than fend them off.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Someone you encounter, perhaps in a social setting, may be able to help you out with a property issue over the weeks and months ahead. Therefore, it may be worthwhile maintaining your links with them, especially if it can be mutually beneficial. To progress your hopes you will need a team of people to support you, and this person could prove to be key.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you've found yourself at odds with someone in authority, then a breakthrough may be possible if you apply a little psychology to the situation. This doesn't need to be anything too esoteric, just an ability to read between the lines and get a sense of what they're really saying or where they are coming from. Understanding this will help you enormously.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

People may underestimate you at times, perhaps because you prefer to process information before you respond. However, with the Sun angling towards Mars you may be more irritated by someone than you realize – and probably in no mood to be dictated to. Watch your responses here Pisces, but equally be aware of becoming overly defensive or hostile.