Horoscopes Tuesday 28th May 2019

With the Moon in Pisces angling towards Pluto we may find that a dream has the power to change us if we take its message seriously.

This aspect might also inspire us to look at our desires. If we want something today we'll likely work hard to get it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 28th May 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 28th May 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Had a busy few days? The tempo may be about to change, as positive links between thoughtful Mercury, creative Venus and ethereal Neptune in a quieter sector, suggests that more relaxing pursuits might help you to get your priorities in order. Reading a book or taking in a movie can allow you to switch off. And this chance to recharge may be therapeutic and inspirational Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A fresh start is possible for a relationship that may have been going through difficulties. The present set-up hints that while feelings between you can be positive, you may sense something is still not right. Being the one to reach out and address this matter is a courageous thing to do. Are you willing to put the past behind you? If so, this could be very healing for you both Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A lunar tie suggests you could have mixed thoughts about a project someone is attempting. It may mean a lot to them, and they might be apprehensive about the outcome. Your part may be to inspire them to dig deep into their reserves of wisdom and strength, as this can give them the confidence to continue through any difficulties and to finish on a very positive note Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Much as you might hope for a smooth path ahead regarding a team or group plan, it helps to be understanding of those involved. You may feel that you need to be there to guide them as you are the expert. You could find though, that more is accomplished if you let them work on this alone. They'll learn as they go, and you might be delighted by their efforts, despite being beginners.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Keen to make an impression Leo? This may not be the best time to stand out from the crowd, as ties to nebulous Neptune suggest your efforts could be taken the wrong way. No matter how responsible and accomplished you are, others may misinterpret your intentions. One way you can shine, is to share imaginative and creative ideas, as they may be sorely needed over coming days.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although you are not known for being an ambitious sign, the stellar backdrop encourages you to aim for the highest over the coming week or so. If you have felt moved to put your energy into a noble cause, then it is likely that you are now seeing the results. What may bring satisfaction is not so much being in the spotlight Virgo, as helping others in a way that they truly appreciate.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your emotions may be more prominent over coming weeks, and you'll need to decide whether this is a good thing or not. If it helps you accomplish something important, then there is no harm in letting others know how you feel. But there may be a fine line between this and perhaps saying more than you need to say. So, a little self-restraint might be a good thing Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This may be an upbeat time for you, as pushing ahead with a bold plan could lay the groundwork for further positive developments. If you aim for the highest and best outcome, then you likely won't go wrong. The current outlook suggests that someone's motives may not be on a par with yours, so be alert in a situation in which they might be in charge or even keen to rule the roost.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With key planets in their retro phase, it is possible that an issue may make a reappearance so that you can resolve it and move on. Other cosmic aspects though, may leave you wondering if it's worth being honest about a matter that has reached a delicate stage. If you could phrase your words sensitively this might be enough, as it may be better to tell a white lie, than be too blunt.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Expressive Mercury's tie with Neptune, suggests that it's essential to give out the right signals over coming days if you want to avoid confusion. This foggy blend of energies reveals it might be too easy to get things wrong and so make matters worse. The Gemini Sun could be a call to ask questions and check out details before you agree to anything important or a tad costly.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Be careful what you promise, as you may raise others' expectations and find you can't follow through. The reverse can also be true, as someone may break an agreement even though they had no intention of doing so. Give others plenty of leeway and ask for the same in return, as it's best to go with the flow over the days ahead. Try to roll with events, as this may lead to fresh options.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

An ethereal aspect suggests you may be looking at the world through rose-tinted specs, and forming an idealistic view of issues and people. And it might inspire you to see the best in everyone regardless of their faults. It also pays to be astute, and not to take things at face value Pisces. Your horoscope suggests that asking a friend for their thoughts could give you a very different outlook on someone.