Horoscopes Tuesday 27th October 2020

The Moon in Pisces makes a pleasant angle to optimistic Jupiter which adds a positive and philosophical note to the day.

We may find ourselves eager for new adventures and they may be inspired by a profound dream or an intution of what might be. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 27th October 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 27th October 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may find it easier to tune into others' thoughts and feelings, and this can give you an advantage in any discussion. With talkative Mercury rewinding in Scorpio, one conversation might have stalled though. Yet things could change over coming days, as a convivial influence inspires you to sort this out. Letting go of any defensiveness may be key to resolving this Aries.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

What if an opportunity could change your life in a big way? Would you take it up? The coming day or so, can see you weighing up your options and thinking about the effort involved, which might be considerable. The rewards may be uplifting too. Don't decide on a whim though, as this needs some careful thought. Willing to experiment? This could help you make the best choice.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Trying to make headway could seem like driving through fog, unless you make the most of your innate common-sense. Lunar ties to Jupiter and Pluto, encourage you not to take anything at face value, but to look beneath the surface. Wondering if someone is stringing you along? Today, you'll find it easier to know what they are thinking, and your instincts will be on form too.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Have a desire to break out of the daily grind, Cancer? Today's Moon/Neptune tie in a freedom-loving zone, can find you eager to spend time somewhere beautiful and tranquil, as a way to calm down and feel relaxed. Mind, with other more practical lunar ties on the go, this could be a good time to liaise with another concerning an opportunity that you might benefit from in a good way.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

People have different personalities, so will see things in different ways. This may be something to remember, if you find yourself trying to negotiate an arrangement. This tendency can be enhanced, as Mercury continues to rewind and the Moon journeys through Pisces. One thing Leo, arguing won't help. Your horoscope suggests that if you wait, reaching an agreement could be much easier from tomorrow.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon harmonizing with Jupiter and Pluto, talks and discussions can take a positive turn. They may be intense, but in a way that allows you and others to share your thoughts and feelings in an open manner. A dreamy Moon Neptune tie could cause muddles when it comes to key arrangements though, so be sure to look to the details to avoid missing out in any way.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Trying to keep some emotional balance about a family matter could be difficult, but only if you are uncertain of what your part in this should be. There are times when decisiveness is not your forte, and this can be one of them. Rather than try to think your way around this, go with your instincts. On another note, a heartfelt chat with a good friend might help ease tensions.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While you may be tempted to get very involved when thinking about a matter of great importance, lunar ties suggest adopting an equitable approach. Stepping back and considering how your thoughts might be contributing to the situation, could encourage you to reframe your perspective. If you can see it in a more positive light, this may make a difference Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Daring to believe your dreams can become a reality is possible, even with communicator Mercury and feisty Mars rewinding. Others may seem sceptical and try to talk you out of your plans, yet there is no reason not to have a go. Plus, with the Sun continuing its journey through a secluded zone, night reveries could be rich in detail, giving ideas that have creative potential.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Tempting though it could be to go along with a scheme that seems very attractive, sense can prevail if you make time to think it through logically. By this weekend, you might no longer be under any illusions, which is likely a good thing. Have an urge to call someone you haven't seen in a while? Get in touch, and you may benefit from something they are keen to share.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As the Sun continues in a prominent sector, you could find yourself in a situation in which tasks and responsibilities seem to pile up. This doesn't mean that you have to do everything alone, so ask for help if you need it, as vital tasks and unexpected demands can all be dealt with more quickly. You may need to apply some charm to rally one person to your cause though.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As sweet Venus moves through the final degrees of Virgo, you may get an intuitive nudge to call someone to resolve an issue that might be affecting your relationship. While it can feel uncomfortable to reach out, this will make a difference, and perhaps deepen your connection. In addition, the Moon's tie with Neptune could find you eager to enjoy creative activities.

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