Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th April 2022

Chatty Mercury in Taurus aligns with jovial Jupiter in Pisces bringing a buoyant and optimistic energy to coming days.

This is an opportunity to think big rather than stick with our usual thoughts, which could be a game changer. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 26th April 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th April 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Opportunities to forge ahead may show up over coming days. So stay alert, Aries! You might need to push yourself though, as the tendency to take the path of least resistance can be very tempting. And even though you know that pursuing something could be very good for you, it may take some determination to step up to the plate. Keep going, as you'll soon begin to reap rewards.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you're looking forward to a social event this might brighten the coming days, and find you excited by the possibilities showing up. The current star map highlights a dreamy Venus/Neptune tie, so someone could be extremely persuasive, Taurus. They, and any offers they make, may seem very appealing. Knowing this can make it a lot easier to say no if you need to.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You could become obsessed with something or someone. Powerful ties involving key planets, suggest that once you have your mind set, you won't give up easily. Is it in your best interests? It might not be, but this won't stop you, if you've decided that you can't live without it. And yet there is an element of luck involved, that suggests things may work out so much better than expected.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A relationship could get pleasantly intense, and it might involve your partner or a budding romance. It may also be linked to a friend, a business or work connection. An opportunity over coming days can take up a lot of your attention. It's wise not to make decisions when in the grip of expectant feelings, so a second opinion could be very helpful in this instance, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Tempted to give a situation a push to make it go your way? Try too hard Leo, and you'll distance those who could be most helpful to you. The days ahead bring positive and intense energies into the mix. They also hint at good things showing up for you, as long as you don't get too fixated about the outcome. You may need to take a leap of faith, but the outcome can be so worth it.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although a relationship can seem to be moving along nicely, it may be just as well to wait a few days to get your bearings and before promising anything. With confusing Neptune involved, your feelings could change, or you might feel that this person isn't all they say they are. Equally, the relationship may be fruitful, and all can go well. Take it easy, especially over the days ahead.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Try not to take on too much, or to promise more than you can manage. You may want to be kind or to impress, but if it means sacrificing your time or resources, then think twice. Feel guilty? There's no need. You often veer towards helping others when they ask, and this could lead to you feeling burnt out. Instead, turn your attention to an opportunity that might be far too good to miss.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A dreamy blend of energies could see you weighing up the cost of something that might be a tad expensive. This may not deter you Scorpio, as the focus on fun and enjoyment suggests you can conveniently ignore the facts, if it means you'll have a good time. While there is potential to be taken advantage of, your horoscope reveals there's also an opportunity for something very positive to occur.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As upbeat Mercury aligns with sassy Jupiter, your guide planet, opportunities may show up that you'll be keen to embrace. Positive change might be on the cards due to the coming Solar Eclipse, and you could be responding to this ahead of time, by looking for ways to get more out of life and spend time with friends and family. There is a way Archer, and very soon you'll discover it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With convivial Mercury preparing to align with Pluto, your attitude to a friend or associate may be fairly intense, and you likely know why. Do they though? If not, then telling them might not be the easiest of conversations, but it can help you feel better. On another note, don't mistrust your intuition regarding a key situation, as it could be much more accurate than you think.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Trusting your instincts can help you make wise decisions that you feel at ease with. Others who are experts may have advice for you, Aquarius. If it feels wrong, then do what you know to be best. An upbeat aspect suggests that following your sixth sense might put you in a position to gain a major advantage. But you'll need to stay alert, as this opportunity could be easily missed.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you're feeling anxious about a meeting, date or important decision, it's only natural. A developing lunar phase could be the reason you are more on edge than you need be, making it harder to relax. If so, then taking inspiration from a book or from someone you admire, can give you extra confidence. If you've worked hard to get this far, then make the most of it, Pisces.

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