Today's Quarter Moon in Aries may coincide with a significant milestone associated with a project we may be working on.
It's an opportunity to make any final changes or key decisions before we move ahead to completion . For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 25th June 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 25th June 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may need to put certain sensitivities to one side if you are to make a decision. It will likely be impossible to accommodate everyone's needs without compromising your own, and the end result could be a mishmash of ideas that just won't work. Have the courage of your convictions and do what your instincts tell you, as a firm intention can get faster results.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You might feel more assured if key aspects of your life were clear cut, yet the celestial backdrop can bring ambiguity to the playing field. You may be all set and ready to go, while others can seem inconsistent and vague. Even so, they may expect a lot of you, even if they seem to be dithering themselves. Give yourself enough time to choose wisely and refuse to be rushed.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There may be so much that seems worthy of exploration, and that could take you in a direction that is novel and exciting. But while the stellar backdrop encourages you to enjoy new discoveries, it also hints that picking one or two options out of the many, may be more satisfying. If you can narrow down your focus, the coming weeks can be rewarding in more ways than one.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The connections you make and interactions you enjoy could have more of an effect on you than usual, due to the influence of today's Quarter Moon in a prominent zone. Indeed, this is one time when a promise or a handshake can have much bigger consequences. Don't be tempted to take something too trivially. Asking questions about key points you aren't sure of, can prove revealing.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your social life may have been busy, which is something you would usually enjoy. But as this may have been ongoing for a while, you could feel a need for down time. Over coming weeks, it can help to carefully choose the events you attend and people you interact with. You'll find it is easier on yourself, as you can then relish those occasions that will bring you the most pleasure.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Exciting encounters can add much that benefits you, and make for some lively opportunities. The resulting information you pick up could be a catalyst for change as well. But you might find that certain friends seem a little wary of any newcomers into your circle, especially if their ideas or beliefs seem too far out. This may be where certain friends need to broaden their horizons though.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The idea of being free to do what you want can boost your mood. Bearing in mind the present outlook though, it may be better not to indulge such ideas for now. There are too many good things going on, including wonderful opportunities that could be your making. Staying focused on your current plans could take things to a new level Libra, and your horoscope suggests this may be well worth the effort.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Before you can bask in the happiness of a well-earned treat or vacation, you need to do the work of planning it and getting all the details right. This may be where you find yourself now, as there might be things to do before you can fully relax, knowing that everything is sorted. Today's lunation encourages you to put in that extra effort to finalize things to your satisfaction Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While it can be tempting to tread the path that leads to excitement, there may be more benefit from impressing someone by following through on a promise or doing a job for them. Helpful actions performed well, can bring rewards. And as a result of your efforts, other offers and opportunities may come your way. Need to let off steam Archer? Exercise may prove helpful.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Something good seems to be happening that may be having a positive impact on your relationships. This can be a time to celebrate your partnership, friendships and other associations, especially those that contribute so much to your life. Because of this, it may be wise not to turn down a special invite or meeting, as you have much to gain from being in the right company.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A powerful lunar phase can see you ready to conclude a project, making this a good time to get those final tasks out of the way. Still, this is an opportunity to step back and consider if any adjustments need to be made. If you still have a lot to accomplish, then fine-tune your schedule. You may be able to get a lot more done by jettisoning those activities that aren't so productive.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Who you know could be crucial to getting ahead, obtaining a deal or even negotiating a pay rise. It can pay to liaise with those who pull the strings, as doing so could benefit you greatly. But being aware of family and friends is also important. The presence of Venus in your home zone, can make this a good time to have people over, especially if you haven't seen someone in a while.