Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Tuesday 24th November 2020

Savvy Mercury in Scorpio aligns with ethereal Neptune in Pisces which can find us quick to empathize with others.

We may pick on cues that help us to know how close ones are feeling, enabling us to say the right words at the right time. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 24th November 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 24th November 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon angling towards key planets in realistic Capricorn, dreams and reality combine to bring a creative sparkle to your plans, helping you stand out from the crowd. With livewire Mercury in Scorpio aligning with Neptune, you may be keen to get to the bottom of a mystery, and won't rest until you have solved it. The information you uncover can be invaluable though. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Friends can seem to know what's on your mind without you saying anything, which may be disconcerting. Even so, you too will have the ability to connect with others, and sense what is going on with them. The Sun in a therapeutic zone makes this a time for sharing and caring, so that discussing something uncomfortable could be freeing, leaving you in a better space, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Feeling inspired? A positive Mercury/Neptune tie brings an imaginative touch to any plans you have on the go. It might be your suggestions that give a fresh perspective on an issue that seems to be going nowhere. Co-operation is key though, and if you can get others on board with your plans, you could go far. Need to lighten up, whether online or off, friends will certainly assist.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A budding romance might seem to shimmer with a dreamy light, and if things have been building up, then you may be convinced you've met someone very special. What can persuade you is that you seem so in tune with each other, and perhaps able to finish each other's sentences. Plus, with luscious Venus now in magnetic Scorpio, things could soon go from strength to strength.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Should you discuss how you feel, or not? With articulate Mercury aligning with Neptune, you may be in two minds, especially if you feel rather vulnerable at this time. But if you trust someone enough to share with them, it could be very healing. You might feel such relief that your energy levels pick up. A restless urge to uncover new opportunities can keep you busy though.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon angling towards Pluto, it's possible that your first meeting with someone could be intense. Other aspects suggest that you might have more in common than you think, and this can keep you busy talking for some time. Eager to form a creative collaboration? Your horoscope suggests that an imaginative Mercury/Neptune link may encourage you to make something beautiful together.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Money makes the world go round, but with a nebulous aspect on the go, you may be tempted by something and then find it wasn't what you thought. Before you click the '€œbuy now'€ button or open your purse, read some reviews and ask others who have something similar. No matter how amazing it looks, it could have hidden faults, so do some research and you won't get caught out.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Discernment is key under the current elusive sky, when things might not be as they seem. At the same time, you may not want to look too closely at something that you are enjoying, even if you know there will be a price to pay. You could also use this influence to channel a creative or artistic skill that needs an outlet. So, if you feel like indulging, this is a golden opportunity.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It's not your usual style to keep secrets, but this time it might seem the most appropriate way to navigate through an issue. You may be your emboldened self in all other respects though, and with the Sun in your sign and Mars in impatient Aries, you likely have things to do and places to go, Archer. Don't put off getting started on something important, make a move now.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Sun moves further into a private and spiritual sector, you may find yourself reflecting on matters you have been too busy to look at. The coming weeks bring opportunities to tie up loose ends, or find closure on situations that now need to be resolved. If you're willing to slow down, it could help you to relax mentally and physically, which can be just what you need at this time.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There may be so many reasons to want to socialize, particularly with charming Venus urging you to network with others who share your goals, or who might be able to help you with your career or business. There's so much you can accomplish by extending the hand of friendship and showing interest in what others are doing. Keen to commit to a deal? It's wise to do a little research first.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Want to increase your income? If so, it may be time to toot your horn and let others know about your triumphs, skills and readiness to take on new challenges. As Mercury aligns with Neptune though, you could get caught up in other matters that involve someone from faraway. If you have a yearning to talk to them, then do go ahead, as it can enhance your relationship no end Pisces.

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