Horoscopes Tuesday 24th May 2016

The lovely Venus sashays into the sign of Gemini from today, which means that for the coming weeks variety may be the spice of life. It's time to let our curiosity lead the way.

Nevertheless, although we may bond with another on the level of words, we may leave our feelings out of the equation until we are certain we want to be involved. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 24th May 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 24th May 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There may be more than meets the eye to one encounter over coming days, as Venus glides into Gemini and links with the Sun and Mars. However, with Mars travelling backwards it may be the case that you have met this person before somewhere and now have the chance to get to know them more. If you have differing tastes this might actually heighten the attraction. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Venus, your ruler, sashays into your sector of resources and values, which might encourage you to strike a bargain rather than accept a deal or purchase price at face value. With Mercury also aligning to Jupiter, you may find that you're drawn to invest more in ongoing hobbies or pastimes. Even so, your horoscope suggests being thorough around any kind of major purchase, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As the planet of relating and attraction eases into your sign, she opposes Mars and links with the Sun, all of which could make you more aware of your feelings for a certain person. While this could be romantic, it might also relate to the closeness you share with a friend or family member. You might feel ready to call someone you haven't spoken to for a while.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

While it's advice that is often bandied about, talking things through may really help you get a sense of perspective over the days ahead, especially as current influences can be a source of tension. And conversing with a friend can enable you to see the bigger picture and perhaps to realize that whatever may be happening now, should eventually resolve itself.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the connection between Jupiter and Saturn reaches a peak later in the week, it can be a call to rethink your strategy regarding a creative project, entrepreneurial venture or love tie. If it seems that you've reached an impasse then it may be wise to step back a little and go with the flow. Such a chance to reflect may lead to a fresh and more helpful way of looking at things.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

What you desire may be further from home than usual. And with Mercury, your ruler, speeding up as it spins ahead you may feel an out-of-town gathering or even a weekend break can be just the thing to boost your spirits. If you need a change, then don't be swayed if someone lays on the guilt. Anyway, once you've recharged you will be more available to provide support.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus, your ruler, dances into Gemini, you may find the coming weeks bring people from different countries or cultures into your orbit. The coming days though, might coincide with a meeting about which you could have some reservations. Try to give this situation some time to evolve for there is a possibility you will gain from it over the long term.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the focus on the financial axis of your chart becomes even stronger, you may feel the pressure is on to do something to improve matters or perhaps to become more productive. What you might find, in practice, is that a certain amount of rearranging and de-cluttering could be necessary first of all. Doing so can give you more mental space to clarify your next step.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As Venus hot-foots it into your sector of relating, her presence can encourage you to be more relaxed around other people's quirks and foibles and to enjoy them. Spoken for? This influence might be a call to enjoy quality time together and to do things that may reignite that spark of romance. Single? Friends could be influential in encouraging you out and about.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The present line-up can be a call to consider your daily routines and to think about how you might enhance your general well-being. After a period in which you might have enjoyed indulging your whims, you could feel motivated to make a fresh start diet and exercise wise. You don't have to try too hard though, for even a gentle walk can be therapeutic.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the astrological compass now pointing towards your sector of leisure and pleasure, you may relish the chance to kick back when you can. Indeed, this can be a great way to offset any tension you could be feeling around one or two key issues. While you can't ignore them outright, you may find that the chance to unwind in good company brings some light relief.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The presence of the Sun and Venus in your domestic sector may be the reason you feel inclined to spend time with close ones. This can be a time of nurturing too, when you could benefit from the chance to relax and recharge. If certain plans have seemed to have temporarily stalled or to be crawling along, then it might not hurt to take your eye off them for now.