How are you feeling after the Full Moon in Virgo? Have you identified some parts of your life which need to be more disciplined? Mercury's fine angle with Saturn can certainly help.
In fact these two are co-operating through to Saturday and remember Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo. So if there is anything you need to scrutinize and be realistic about, this is a good time to grapple with it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 23rd February 2016 please see below..
Today’s Horoscopes Tuesday 23rd February 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Considering your sometimes feisty nature, it can be difficult for others to persuade you when you're set on a particular course of action. In two minds just now? If so, this may continue for some while – and it could see you prevaricate. However, if you remain undecided, don't see this as a sign of weakness, but a growing recognition that actions do have consequences. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There are times when we are in sync with friends and others when we are not. And while currently you may applaud someone's idealism you could find it hard to reconcile their perspective with your grittier approach to everyday life. However, this is a time when being yourself might energize you, whereas getting caught in others' agenda's may drain you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be thinking of changing your targets around some key goals and ambitions. However, regarding your family life, a measure of stability may seem more desirable – but ironically this is an area that could show a lot of promise. Keep an open mind, as family and property affairs may take benefit from a fresh approach, if you carefully listen to your intuition.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may feel motivated to aim high even if it goes beyond anything you have achieved before. However, what matters most is allowing yourself to venture out of your comfort zone, whatever the outcome. By giving yourself permission to move in a new and interesting direction, at least you'll have the chance to consider whether it's working out for you – or not.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Events seemingly beyond your control can push you to tap into inner resources. As a result you may find you are more resilient and adaptable than you believed. Even so, the personal issues you could be faced with at this time – whether big or small, might require you to master new skills. If so, pleasingly, in time you may be able to apply these in a number of ways.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Jupiter gradually building a potent angle to Pluto in your zone of creativity, you might feel that no effort is too much if you're engaged in a project or plan you're really passionate about. This feeling might only increase over the next three weeks. Allow this influence to work for you. Soon enough all sorts of new possibilities can be accomplished.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It might help you to have a to-do list and prioritise, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed by a new project – otherwise you could lose sight of all that you're hoping to achieve. However, if you're uncertain as to what needs to be done or of what it entails, it's best to pare down related activities. Narrowing your focus can help you to grapple with what's essential.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Though you may want your life to be more ordered, it could be easier said than done. The ongoing presence of Uranus in your work and lifestyle sector can disrupt plans or cause you to become bored with too much routine. However, Uranus's developing tie to Saturn can, through such disruption, bring insights that could enable you to become far more effective.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may find that honesty is your best policy, whether this applies to a job interview, the chance of a promotion or even in understanding your own motives. Whatever your aim over the next few days, allow your conscience to be your guide. Someone may try to influence you to take a short cut, but staying within the rules of where you live, is best.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A friend's perspective can be telling – if you are open to it. Fuelled by the potential to fulfil a big dream of yours, it's very possible you will be reluctant to hear anything which you might perceive as being critical. Try to get beyond this, for if you do, their astute observations and encouragement could help you target your aspirations more realistically.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may not know why you have arrived at a certain conclusion about your finances, but if they seem right, then do go with them. In the context of your present situation, it will certainly help to stay in control and manage things carefully. However, if you sense that making a small sacrifice might benefit you over the long-term, then why not consider this?
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You shouldn't feel you have to prove anything to anyone, Pisces. Even so, you might feel you do. Allow your creative and artistic ideas to develop in their own way, especially over coming days as the Sun gradually aligns with the imaginative Neptune. Just try to refrain from letting an ambitious streak hurry good ideas, as with patience you can really shine.