The Scorpio Moon aligns with Venus and Mars in Capricorn, encouraging us to go after something that we really want.
We may have no qualms about giving in to temptation as this blend of energies could make it so hard to resist. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 22nd February 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 22nd February 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may be asking yourself questions that don't have easy answers, and this can be down to the emphasis on private and soulful sectors of your chart. Though this could be frustrating and seem to send you on a journey to nowhere, eventually you'll connect the dots. Key insights might help you see yourself in a new light, allowing you to be more of a go-getter than you already are.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It's time to feed your mind Taurus, and let yourself explore new possibilities. It could be your attraction to someone that sparks a new interest, a desire to travel or the opportunity to study. You might both share a passion that seems to bring you closer and closer. Whether this is a potential romance or a friendship, this person can act as a catalyst to bigger and better things.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Lunar ties could push you to think about your future, if you're getting a tad bored of your present activities. You may be ready for happenings that will liven things up by giving you a challenge, something to learn or new ideas and opportunities to play with. With your ever inquisitive mind now in seeker mode, you'll be drawn to many new things, but one of them can really stand out.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Are you trying to ignore what your inner voice is telling you? Today's lunar links could find you eager to push aside those intuitive nudges, and perhaps do anything rather than take note of what you feel. It might not be as bad as you think though, Cancer. Your horoscope hints that a pause for reflection will reveal that you are being guided towards the positive rather than urged to steer clear of the negative.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With jovial Jupiter in your money zone, you may be lulled into a false sense of security, Leo. You'll let money go out, believing that it will flood back in on the next tide. And it could do if you play your cards right. If you invest rather than spend, you'll eventually reap a reward. Whether you buy a piece of art, an antique or knowledge, it will come back to you over time.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Does a new relationship need to be strengthened, Virgo? While there is a strong emphasis on your sector of relating, there is also potential for a bond to be a tad vague, so that you aren't sure whether you're an item, a friend or what! If this is getting to you, then you need to have a talk. Today's Moon in Scorpio, could inspire you to ask questions that might answer everything.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Wish you had more hours in the day? You could have, if you made better use of your time, Libra. If you tend to spend too long on activities that are unproductive and not enough on those that earn you a living or keep you fit and healthy, then something needs to shift. A few tweaks here and there might do it. But don't let this become another dream. Make a start right away!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With luscious Venus and fiery Mars involved in a very romantic setup, this could be the week that a relationship gets even closer. While you usually have no illusions about such things, Neptune's involvement can ramp-up your expectations, and you might be tempted to put this person on a pedestal. You'll also spot their flaws faster than most, so be prepared for this too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
There may be tensions at home, not so much because of what is being done, but because of what's not being done. There might be some resentment if it seems you're tackling the housework or household responsibilities with not enough help from others. You could feel a whole lot better if you set firmer boundaries in this regard, by creating clarity around key tasks and responsibilities.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There is potential for a level of communication that is almost telepathic, especially if you and another are already close or getting closer. At this level, you can read each other like a book and are happy for things to be this way. Even so, there is also the chance of mixed messages and misunderstandings that could throw you off balance. Good feedback is key in this regard.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be things you do because you've got into the habit. And it's likely you don't even give them that much thought anymore. But they might be costing you more than you realize, Aquarius. With Venus and Mars aligning with Neptune, this is a good time to become more self-aware, and to think about the consequences of some actions, and what could be a better substitute.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The emphasis on your sign means that you're getting closer to understanding what motivates you, and what you want. You'll intuitively understand what others need too, and why they behave as they do. The coming weeks are very much about putting yourself forward and sharing your talents with the world. Don't feel you're being selfish, as it's exactly what you should be doing.