With the Sun in Aquarius angling towards healer Chiron in Aries we may be ready to address an issue concerning a friend or social group.
If this has been bubbling away for some time then shining a light on the matter could help us to find the best solution. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 21st January 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 21st January 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There is a warm and sociable blend of energies showing up at this time, which means that key events can turn out to be most enjoyable. However, you likely won't shy away from speaking your mind if something needs to be said. Although you might want to put it as sensitively as possible Aries, a solar tie to restless Uranus hints you will likely make your point regardless.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Could there be the chance of romance? If the stars have their way, then it may be possible. A lovely aspect between sultry Venus and jovial Jupiter hints that you and another could find you have a lot in common. And the more you know, the more you might want to know. Equally, a friendship could develop for the same reason Taurus, and may well be like a breath of fresh air.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You can trust your sixth sense if it tells you to make a move regarding your career, especially if it encourages you out of your comfort zone. You could feel a growing inner confidence that taking the next step is absolutely the right thing for you, and it is this that might encourage you on. Even so, a side of you could stubbornly resist going forward, even if it is good for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you have the opportunity to get away from it all, even for a day trip or a stay of a few days, this can be the time to go for it. You could greatly benefit from doing something that piques your interest and that expands your horizons. And if this helps you bond with someone special to you, this might be one leisure activity that you will want to repeat in the very near future Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The coming days can provide a special opportunity to pool resources and to collaborate with someone on an idea or plan. And if you go ahead, your horoscope suggests this project could work out well for both of you. There can be a natural give and take that allows you to feel at ease with each other, and that could provide the perfect basis for teaming up and working to create the results you want Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The days ahead could see one relationship blossoming, if you can spend quality time with each other. You may also be eager to go on an outing and to take advantage of an opportunity to visit somewhere that has personal meaning for you or that holds pleasant memories. Also, an uplifting cultural experience could stir up your creative side and find you eager to attempt a new project.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Sun and lively Mercury in your social zone, hints at opportunities for delightful events and exhibitions or opportunities for dating, whether you're going out with your partner or relishing a budding romance. Still, if you are newly in love, you could be impatient for things to reach the next stage and this may be a mistake. Avoid impulsive moves if you want to impress Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may find yourself enjoying a get-together or romantic date, and relishing the chance to spend time in good company. And yet there is also the potential for a conflict with another if both of you are in a stubborn mood. If you want to move forward Scorpio, one of you will need to give way. Be the first to reach out and show yourself to be the magnanimous person you so often are.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Putting energy into a family project can be very fulfilling at this time, and a way to bring something positive into the home space. You might also relish having guests over and they too can feel very at ease in your company and might enjoy their visit immensely. There may be one matter that requires more in-depth attention though, and resolving it can be very freeing Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With some delightful aspects showing, this can be an excellent time for networking and connecting to others, whether it is people in your area or those who can help you reach a goal. You'll be more than willing to share your expertise and wisdom Capricorn, and might be ready to help someone who needs assistance. Even a coffee with a friend can sizzle with potential.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You could feel a tad miffed by someone, which might cause you to respond on impulse or hold back from them. It is possible you may read a situation the wrong way, perhaps because of past experience. Rather than close off keep talking Aquarius, and you may find that what seemed an issue was really nothing at all. It's all in the perspective, and by communicating this can shift.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A delightful Venus/Jupiter aspect might encourage you to move in new circles and explore the possibilities that could come from joining a new group or club. This can apply to social media as well as to connecting personally. One encounter may be something of a surprise, especially if the person in question has news that you weren't expecting Pisces, and it could change everything.