Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Tuesday 21st April 2020

With the Sun in Taurus making an awkward angle to sobering Saturn we may feel less motivated than usual when dealing with everyday responsibilities.

This aspect can be frustrating as things may not go as planned and we might be faced with delays that we can do very little about. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 21st April 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 21st April 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Energy levels may dip today, as an awkward aspect between the Sun and prudent Saturn can leave you feeling less enthusiastic than usual. You won't come to a full stop, but it might help to pace yourself. Even so, opportunities to connect with others on-line continue to show up, and there is much to be gained from keeping certain conversations going Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As feisty Mars continues its journey through your sector of goals, this is one of the better times to pour energy into a plan that can give you more prominence. You may hesitate to take on further responsibility though Taurus, and this is quite understandable. Yet with the red planet in the sign of Aquarius, experiment with what works best for you and be sure to make some time to unwind.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As the Moon in dynamic Aries aligns with sweet Venus and action-orientated Mars, follow your instincts regarding something that could greatly benefit you. This looks to be a team project or idea that can open new doors, allowing you to explore fresh opportunities. You may feel very excited about this, so don't let anyone dampen your enthusiasm. Keep going forward, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There are ways to accomplish almost anything you want, as long as you can make room for it in your schedule. To this end, it may be wise to be quite ruthless with certain activities that don't achieve much. These could be relatively minor things, but if they eat into your time they might have to go. Once you find out how much more you can get done without them, you'll be sold.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As fiery Mars continues through your sector of relating it can help with clearing the air, especially concerning any issues which might have been pushed under the carpet. With luscious Venus in the mix, there are still plenty of opportunities to resolve an edgy spat and for a relationship to get back to normal. Have a plan? Have faith in yourself and you could do very well.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Need to bring harmony into a difficult situation? What it needs is for you to share your feelings rather than hold them in. With the Moon in an intense zone making positive ties, it could help to let others know about any doubts or reservations you have concerning an idea or plan. You might find others understand exactly what you're going through and are willing to offer their support.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There are opportunities for downtime and a relaxing break, but first you may need to resolve something that has been on your mind. With the Sun angling towards prudent Saturn in your sector of creativity, you might be inclined to doubt your abilities and could feel a lack of confidence in this regard. If it means refining your skills, this is very much the time to do so.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There may be a lot of activity going on in your home zone that could temporarily turn things upside down. But if it enables you to let go of clutter or helps to resolve an awkward situation, then it is worth it Scorpio. Mind, with the Sun angling towards Saturn, your horoscope suggests it can be easy to cling on to ways of doing things that no longer work, and where a change of tack could well be better.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Is there potential for romance in the air? The Moon in Aries forges positive aspects with Venus and Mars, so it looks very likely. Whatever your relationship status, the chance to spend more time indulging a shared hobby could bring you much closer together. Have a lot on your plate Archer? With a Sun/Saturn angle you might do better by breaking key tasks into smaller chunks.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Keen to talk about something that is bothering you? Doing so can be a positive move Capricorn, enabling you to feel better in yourself while also getting the support you need. On a romantic note, you may be wondering about a developing relationship, and whether it is worth the time and effort. While you might have reservations now, these could soon pass as the week gathers pace.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Is it time to be more disciplined, or should you listen to your feelings and be mindful of your comfort zone? The Sun's angle with Saturn in your sign, can find you swinging between the two. Yes, you might need to stick to schedule, especially as you are likely to be more serious about accomplishing your goals. Even so, taking time for nurturing and self-care is also essential.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

An awkward Sun/Saturn angle could leave you feeling a little vulnerable, making this the ideal time to treat yourself to something nice. Getting ingredients for a lovely home-cooked meal or indulging in a hobby or craft you love, can boost your mood. Watch your dreams too, as they might be more vivid than usual and could have some useful guidance for you Pisces.

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