Lively Mercury in Cancer aligns with innovative Uranus in Taurus which could coincide with thrilling ideas and exciting conversations.
We may find our routines are pleasantly disrupted and that insights and fresh opportunities can show up unexpectedly. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 20th July 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 20th July 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Don't be afraid to try something different Aries, as this can be a chance to explore new ways to enhance your income and invest in your ideas. Have an underused talent? It may be time to put it to work. And you could find that creative or money-making ideas show up in a powerful intuitive nudge when you relax, and they might propel you forward if you are prepared to listen.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be drawn to information that gives new perspectives on life, and on the opportunities available. The coming days can be exciting, mainly because an encounter reveals thrilling possibilities. Being open to anything new and different could open doors for you that would otherwise have remained shut. And saying yes to one interesting option, might be a game-changer.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Something may be stirring within you, that is encouraging you to express a unique quality or skill that you've kept hidden until now. You might doubt yourself and fear the reaction you'll get. Even so, the coming days bring a wonderful opportunity to candidly promote your abilities. And rather than feel rejected, you could be surprised at how enthusiastic others are about this.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Mercury in your sign links with Uranus in your social sector, you may wonder whether to stay quiet and go along with others' plans. Do you really want to, though? If not, it might be down to listening to a different drumbeat, that could take you in a different direction to that of your social circle. This won't isolate you, and you may even find that others are keen to follow you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A lively blend of energies encourages you to promote yourself in your own creative way to emphasize your unique qualities. If it's becoming difficult to toe the line regarding what is expected of you in a career or business situation, there may be a way around it. You don't have to be a total rebel, as small tweaks can bring a touch of individuality to your current image.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You can feel as though you're being downloaded with brilliant ideas which keep you busy. And your thoughts may flash in and out fast, leaving you a tad overwhelmed. Look into those that genuinely excite you, and then consider getting yourself a soothing massage to help you relax. Your horoscope suggests that anything that allows you to coolly appraise fast-moving situations could be a great help.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It can seem that you are the only person who has a particular issue. Is it unique to you, though? If you're willing to reach out and talk this over with others, you may find it's more common than you thought. Sharing your experiences might bring insights and solutions that you would not have considered otherwise. And the resulting friendships could prove so very supportive, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Hoping to discover something new? You need a chance to range free and make fresh discoveries. And the newer and more original the better, Scorpio. Coupled with a chance to get away with someone whose company you enjoy, you'll be in seventh heaven. Any new experience can serve you well. But if it sets you thinking and encourages you to explore a new direction, even better.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
There's so much adventure to be had, and this is the time to surf the cosmic waves and make some new discoveries. While you could be fretting about other issues, it would be a waste of energy when you have so much going for you. What fuels your happiness? Follow the trail and see where it leads. Whether it's a place, a person or new knowledge, there's much to thrill you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Opportunities, as well as romance, can show up in the strangest of circumstances. And trying something different may have a very positive influence on your life. Seeds might be planted that will blossom over coming weeks and months, and that could enable you to channel abilities and ideas that have lain dormant for too long. They can be appreciated far more than you think.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A brilliant idea for raising extra money could come out of the blue, especially if you need it for a purchase or a project. It might involve offering a service or selling unwanted items. Other flashes of inspiration can also help you resolve household issues that have bugged you for some while. In need of some downtime? The Sagittarius Moon encourages you to relax with good friends.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Want to suggest something, but haven't dared? Go ahead anyway! The coming days may be perfect for bringing an element of surprise into a conversation, and being open to the unexpected should it come your way. You might find others far less judgemental than you thought they would be, and that the act of not censoring yourself could be very liberating in more ways than one.