Welcome to March. And what a month it promises to be, especially from an astrological viewpoint, with two major Eclipses on the 9th and the 23rd as well as the arrival of Mars in Sagittarius.
Saturn also enters a five and a half month retrograde this month, so it's going to be absolutely packed with celestial activities. Today specifically the Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, asks us to keep a sense of perspective. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 1st March 2016 please see below..
Horoscopes Tuesday 1st March 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Whatever happens regarding a friendship, try not to let a swirl of emotion affect your ability to make clear minded decisions. Although a Venus Saturn tie can help you see your relationship from a detached perspective, the Sun's tie to Neptune suggests you may feel sorry for them, and sacrifice your time and resources in a way that actually works against you.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As expansive Jupiter moves closer to power broker Pluto, you may get more and more excited by a big idea even if it involves one or two challenges. Furthermore, you may be imbued with a sense of purpose that you've lacked for some while. Don't expect results any time soon though, Taurus. You'll need to see this as a process rather than a done deal.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Fear may be the main issue holding you back from being the star you truly are. And if this resonates with you, it may prove difficult to shake this off completely over the next few days. Even so, if you're to be at your best you'll need to circumvent it to an extent. The trick may be not to over think things. If you just get on with them, things can be a lot easier.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may wish for more freedom to do the things you want to do, but you know that if you have responsibilities then you won't be able to ditch them just like that. Today's Quarter Moon can highlight this dilemma. Even so, where's there's a will there's a way. While you won't be able to ignore those important commitments, you could plan a well deserved break.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you feel unsettled by aspects of your finances, you may be less so if you were to take a firmer grip of them. The worst part of your predicament may be in not fully knowing what's going on. Now is the time to get to grips with the minutia. And whether your situation is better or worse than you imagined Leo, at least you'll know where you stand.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although you might like to blaze a trail over coming weeks, and follow through with ideas that are creative or fun – it may not prove to be easy. You could be worn into submission by someone who wants what they want, and who has no interest in your plans. If this has been going on for too long, then a heart-to-heart chat may be necessary to resolve this.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you find yourself getting emotional in the course of a conversation with someone, then it could be down to the influence of the Quarter Moon. Later in the week though, you may look back and wonder at your reaction. Even so, it could help to give this person the benefit of the doubt, for there is a good chance that they meant no offence to you, at all.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
How can you fulfil your responsibilities yet enjoy the freedom you crave? This may be the question that's on your mind over the days ahead. There's no easy answer, but Venus's connection to both Saturn and Uranus can encourage you to discuss it, especially with family members. If you don't bring up this issue, you might never know what's possible.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Even if you've experienced setbacks lately, you may feel it's worth your while to continue your pursuit of a goal that's kept you on your toes. However, might you be your own worst enemy in one sense, especially if self doubts intensify over the weeks ahead. While it's wise to consider if they're relevant, continue to focus on the big picture and the prize.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may find it difficult to get straight answers, which could bother you if you suspect someone has something to hide. The influence of today's waxing Quarter Moon can reveal a desire to know the truth, even if what you find out might prove somewhat unnerving. It could be that you're overly suspicious, but if you can set your mind at rest, all will be good.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Although the frenetic long lasting connection between Uranus and Pluto is now easing, you may feel hampered by a lack of energy or distracted by an over busy mind. However, should you be feeling unsettled it helps not to let those uncomfortable emotions get the better of you. While this is certainly not easy, less stressful conditions are emerging.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Quarter Moon might coincide with events that knock you out of your stride, making it difficult to fulfil your plans and promises. If this is the case, consider turning your attention elsewhere for a day or two until you can continue. If it means letting someone down, you could always make up for it in some other way should you have any guilt to assuage.