Horoscopes Tuesday 19th January 2016

Venus squares with Jupiter. When these two get together in just about any combination, the things that tempt us in life, can tempt us all the more. In the right angle like here, excess is a possibility. 

However, with Jupiter retrograde and such a strong Capricorn influence in the heavens, just how much will we be drawn to the things that are calorific rich? Well, that depends on each of us, but if you started a severe diet at the year's beginning this could test your resolve. 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The planetary set-up suggests that pressure to deal with deadlines or responsibilities can increase. Add to this any irritation you feel at your growing list of chores and you may be tempted to show your displeasure. However, you'll avoid tarnishing your image if you can hold back. Is there another way to let off steam, perhaps, Aries?

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Although one relationship can uplift and inspire, another connection could demand a lot of you. Indeed, if you've spent time over this last week helping someone out, you might consider if your generosity has been misplaced. But in a strange way, you could also persist if it helps keep other more unsettling thoughts from entering your mind.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If someone offers to treat you then don't try to stop them through any misguided sense of guilt. The ongoing presence of Saturn in your zone of relating, hints that you may feel you're not doing enough for this person. But why is this? Might it be possible that you're trying too hard when a more easygoing attitude can bring you so much more. {copytag:[615]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A Moon Neptune tie can encourage you to keep a low profile or to escape into a book or movie rather than confront a situation that seems impossibly tense. As Mercury aligns with Uranus and Pluto you may be trying to appease two different factions at once. If so, perhaps your best option is to stand back. It can gift you with a fresh perspective.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You perhaps know what you should be doing, but something may be stopping you. This could be down to the potent Mars Neptune connection which reached a peak yesterday and which can encourage a touch of inertia that may be difficult to shake off. However, be assured, soon enough you can find yourself stirred into much more strident action.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Trying to switch off your thoughts may seem like an impossible task, and this may not get any easier as the week unfolds, Virgo. This rather unpalatable state of affairs could be rather exhausting unless you can find a way to turn your attention in other less stressful directions. A calming walk in beautiful surroundings or healing treatment might help.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the Sun in the last two degrees of Capricorn and your family zone, you're in the perfect position to take stock of your present situation, whether you're considering a move, a property sale is on hold or a relationship needs attention. And though matters may reach a critical phase, there's a lot to be said for biding your time, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Moon in Gemini reaches out to Neptune it can spotlight the feelings you have for someone in the romantic sphere, especially if this has been building up over the last few days. However, putting how you really feel into words might not be so easy. Movies, dance, music and art can also form the basis of leisure activities that can inspire.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Getting serious about an activity that piques your interest might provide a way to add variety to your life. However, if you do take it up you could get seriously hooked, with the potential for this to become something you really run with. Watch start costs though, as they could spiral unless you keep them in check right from the beginning.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Just when you don't need any more delays, they may show up. This could be a feature of the days ahead that you'll need to take in your stride. There's no point in pushing to make things happen if they're not ready. Paradoxically, it may be better to do nothing and wait it out. This shift in emphasis could help you to see the bigger picture too.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The focus on the zone of your solar horoscope linked with dissolution suggests that this can be a time when certain activities or relationships naturally come to an end. However, it might take some awareness to spot which these are. If you're trying hard to keep something going that seems ready to fall away, ask yourself is it time to let it go?

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Hold back from joining a group or club for now if internal politics, wrangling or other destabilizing conditions are in evidence. Though you may feel excited at the thought of getting involved, let things settle first of all. Within a couple of weeks you may have a much better idea about whether you want to become an active participant or not.