Horoscopes Tuesday 19th April 2016

Today the Sun glides into sensuous Taurus, helping to slow the pace of life, but also encouraging us to indulge in its pleasures too.

But, with Venus aligning with Pluto, it could be forbidden fruits that call out loudest over the next day or so. If there's something we can't have, then we may do our level best to get it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 19th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 19th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Have you been busy exploring new interests and ideas? If so, a more measured pace may prevail as the Sun eases into Taurus from today. Even so, with Venus challenging Pluto, there may be nothing peaceful about your mood if you're upset with someone in authority. Before you say anything though, make sure you really do have something important to raise with them. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun's move into your sign from today ushers in a four week period when you'll be in your element and keen to involve yourself in projects that you find more personally rewarding. However, your usual equable approach to life may be challenged by others' viewpoints. If so, your horoscope suggests you try to focus on the far more important things you have evolving just now.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Exciting encounters in recent weeks may have led to new opportunities and friendships. However, from today, the Sun's passage through a more private zone encourages you to reflect and when possible also recharge your batteries. Despite this, there may be one issue that you want to resolve and determinedly so at that. But tact will work best, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With Mercury linking positively to Pluto, a recent encounter may have added to your life in some way. Perhaps a passing remark or conversation encouraged you to aim higher or do things differently. Conversely, regarding key responsibilities, it's best to avoid getting upset with someone you disagree with, when a mature approach could keep your bond intact.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A more grounded focus can see you keen to harness recent experiences to boost your career or get on track with a goal or ambition. Indeed, if you took advantage of a special opportunity over recent days, you may be very glad you did. Avoid comparing yourself to others though, as by fostering your own unique talents you'll be much happier over the long-term.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you want something badly enough you can be quite headstrong. Indeed, this could be the case over coming days if you're eager to have and to hold. But you could also do yourself a disservice if you find yourself craving a person or a certain outcome. In this regard, Venus's connection to Saturn might act as a brake to passionate feelings that could otherwise override common sense.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Are you looking for some improvement to your financial situation? If you are, Mercury's link to Pluto could be helpful if you need to assess the household budget or any shared expenses and come up with improved figures. However, there could be some disagreement with a partner or key person concerning how to go about this, unless you have the facts to prove your case.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Is someone being stubborn? If so, the movement of the Sun into your sector of relating would normally encourage a more diplomatic attitude to sorting things out, if it wasn't for an awkward Pluto association. Unless you can tap into Venus's positive angle to Saturn to help you turn this situation around and resolve it, it could linger on for far longer than it should.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Over coming weeks you may find it helpful to tweak routines and pare down your daily to-do list, giving yourself more time for projects with a higher priority. Besides this, you could find yourself drawn to expensive items that seem to call out to you. Even so, holding back from making such purchases can be a wise move, as you could lose interest very quickly.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If there are activities that you enjoy, then the Sun's move into your leisure sector from today might encourage you to pursue them further. In fact, you'll likely welcome this chance to unwind, especially as a potent Venus connection may have stirred up emotions that you could find unsettling. Yet with Pluto rewinding from today, you'd be better to let them go.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Once the Sun eases into your home sector you may be tempted to spend more time getting your place ship shape. And, although the indications are that you'll continue to be busy, the coming four weeks can be excellent for giving yourself some extra pampering when you can. If something is worrying you though, getting another's perspective can be very helpful.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Are you getting tired of the same social scene? If so, this is still a good time to reach out and make new connections and to discover new interests and opportunities in the process. On another note, with Saturn and Mars both rewinding in your sector of career and ambitions, getting back in touch with a former boss or work colleague might net you a golden opportunity.