Horoscopes Tuesday 16th October 2018

Today's Quarter Moon in Capricorn brings a chance to assess how far we have come with a plan or project. 

This is a great opportunity to take stock and consider such things as future costs and also whether we are enjoying it. This is also the time to make any adjustments. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 16th October 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 16th October 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Should you invite someone on board to help? Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of ambition, suggests making an informed choice. Ask a few searching questions and determine the level of interest, as they could be too embarrassed to say no. You may want to give yourself a few more options though, as there may be others who are better suited to collaborating with you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be at a crossroads and wondering whether to make that lifestyle change. Whether you want to adopt new beliefs that give you the scope to live to your full potential or feel an urge to make better choices overall, give it some thought. It seems you're ready to aim high and be adventurous. Your horoscope hints that a more fateful event may encourage you onward though, leaving you little choice.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The time may have come to decide how to proceed with a relationship. With the Sun in ambivalent Libra, you could find such a decision difficult though. What are your instincts telling you? The option to reflect on it for longer could help you to understand why you feel like you do. A discussion could quickly enable you to sense intuitively what is best for you moving forward.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be in a sensitive mood and not inclined to spend too much time around other people. Even a simple request or the need for an answer might be met with reserve. It could be because you have other things to think about or an issue you need to resolve quickly to feel better. Today's Quarter Moon hints that by discussing this, you could get help to sort it out much faster.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This is not a day to give yourself too much to do by taking on tasks you have no hope of accomplishing. Besides if you do, you may miss an opportunity that could become golden in your hands. Therefore, try the opposite Leo, and pare down your schedule to the minimum possible as you will likely have the time to explore something you really should not miss.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you feel passionate about an idea, don't dismiss it. This could be more easily said than done though, as your inner critic could find many reasons why it likely won't work. You may have listened to this nagging voice for far too long now, and today's lunar phase encourages you not to let it diminish you further. If you felt a leap of joy, then trust that and follow through.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Start the day as you mean to carry on, as there could be a lot of things to busy yourself with. If you are held up by other matters or people, then try not to let them commandeer too much of your time as something important might not wait. Make a move while you feel the urge to do so, as the enthusiasm could fade, and it might all be forgotten, which would be a shame.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Something that started out as a dream might already have taken shape in your mind and be at the point where you might soon want to make it a reality. Over coming days, a key lunar phase can help you decide if this is going to be a profitable plan or not. Would it be a wise investment of time and energy for the future? If yes, then consider committing further. If no, nip it in the bud.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

While you can be incredibly open minded about so many things Archer, you could be quite the opposite over the next day or so. Someone may expect you to support an idea like you often do, only to find that you absolutely will not. No need to feel bad about this. Indeed, it may be something others need to get used to if you're keen to safeguard deeply held values or beliefs.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's Quarter Moon ties in with deep Pluto, which can make a decision seem all the more urgent. Before you go ahead though, you might want to check certain details to satisfy yourself on key points. If matters aren't as you expect, don't immediately assume that it is a dead end. If you are open to discussion and willing to compromise, then a successful outcome is more than possible.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Don't push yourself to get up as soon as the alarm rings, as while on the cusp between sleep and waking, you could get insights and answers that might have evaded you for some while. These may have bubbled up from the subconscious mind while you slept and could offer brilliant solutions. If even one of them can help you to move forward, then it's wise to make use of it.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be very open to new ideas and keen to hear what others have to say that might spark fresh thoughts. If you are at a social event this evening, an encounter could encourage you to move closer towards a decision you have been considering for some time. Someone's words could touch you deeply, and this might be enough to spur you onwards to bigger things.