As Mercury the planet of communication moves into the down-to-earth sign of Taurus, we may find our thoughts travelling along more practical lines.
At the same time we could find we easily align our ideas with an instinctual knowing that might help our ideas and dreams to begin to flourish. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 16th May 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 16th May 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While you might be experiencing a spate of original and creative ideas which could revolutionize aspects of your life, it can help to adopt a practical approach when explaining them to another. As Mercury, the planet of talk and thought, moves into Taurus from today you may find that discussing them in as simple a way as possible not only helps a partner or friend, but you too. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
While a key blend of energies can make your intuition extremely sharp, it might not help to share every insight you have over the coming week or so. With Mercury gliding into your sign today, the cosmos encourages you to interact in a way that brings constructive results. So, rather than hint at someone's peccadilloes, praising their strengths may well boost their morale Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As Saturn in your sector of relating and Uranus in your friendship zone connect for the second time in the past six months, the resulting energy could add an upbeat note to a key bond. It's possible you have been putting effort into keeping your relationship upbeat which is all to the good. However, this influence can add something fresh and new which could re-inspire you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may find that your social life picks up in a way that has a steadying influence on you, and proves quite a contrast to the previous weeks when life may have been fairly hectic. The company of friends can seem soothing and talking to them might help you collect your thoughts. But, bright ideas continue to swirl in the ether, and one could be a winner if you get to work on it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The time may have arrived when a brilliant idea can now be put to the test, and this could occur in a situation in which someone might be watching to see how you get on. With creative twists and a few adjustments, you may be able to make it work in a way that shows off your abilities to their best advantage. And if your offering can help others improve their lives, all the better Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your thoughts may now turn to travel adventures and opportunities that can take you into new territory. Even so, you might find that domestic matters could benefit from an idea that brings a fresh spring of energy to the home or family unit. Furthermore, the resources to make this household project happen could become available out of the blue, making a positive difference.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As the planet of communication moves into a more intense sector, you might be inclined to look beneath the surface regarding a key matter. And whereas you may have been keen to smooth over any issues by offering a compromise, you might now sense that a degree of conflict isn't such a bad thing. In fact, stellar influences suggest it could even be quite transformative Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As the focus on your sector of relating deepens, you may be inclined to let someone call the shots to avoid causing an issue. If so, you could agree to a plan that involves a lot more work than you bargained for. Before you commit to anything, find out what you might be letting yourself in for Scorpio, as though you may aim to be kind to others, it wouldn't help to overburden yourself.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As the Moon in your financial sector ties with the Sun in your lifestyle zone, this upbeat aspect can encourage you to be content with what you have. A deeper investigation into the resources you have available suggests that some of the items you own could be worth more than you first thought. And your horoscope reveals this can also apply to a skill that could be in demand if you made it available.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You might relish taking up a hobby that you can apply yourself to. Moreover, you can very much enjoy the process of learning and the progress you make if you stick with it. But you might enjoy it even more if it takes you on a sensual journey that allows you to develop your creative side. Over the coming weeks, one such seed may be planted that blossoms beautifully for you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As convivial Venus moves to link with expansive Jupiter, a letter or news from someone who lives at a distance from you could be welcome. And if it contains an invite or the chance of a reunion, then so much the better. If life has proved hectic, then taking up this person's offer could allow you to bask in an oasis of calm and give you a chance to recharge and feel really good.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As the Moon moves into a sensitive sector today, you might want to stand back and take stock of any issues that are on your mind. You may also be keen to mull over a goal or ambition that could take you on a different path and so affect your future. While you could view it as being unrealistic, the cosmos hints that if you're willing to try, it may be very rewarding to you Pisces.