The Moon in Leo forges a positive angle with the Sun in Sagittarius making this a day when head and heart are in alignment.
We'll be able to give one hundred percent to whatever we do, with no conflict to mar our progress. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 13th December 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 13th December 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Current aspects bring your imagination into play, and can see you weighing the possible against the seemingly impossible. With the Sun tied to hazy Neptune, an idea that seems good might appear tantalizingly out of reach. Another potent aspect suggests this may not be the case, and with the right approach you could do it Aries, you just need to summon the motivation.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The coming days could be an opportunity to make amends with someone you've had a difference of opinion with. As the radiant Sun journeys through a transformative sector, any insights might reach to the heart of the matter, creating a breakthrough. Need to impress a boss or authority figure? Show them how resourceful you can be, and you'll easily win them over, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Relationships look pleasantly positive, with opportunities coming your way the more you're willing to reach out and move in new circles. You have a keen interest in those you meet and a natural desire to connect, and ongoing influences enhance this. Even so, if you sense that it's best to be careful in your dealings with a certain person, then the planets suggest that you do.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Whether you have a challenge ahead or are keen to get more done, the celestial star map offers a solution. Smart thinking could help you see ways to get certain tasks completed faster, giving you time for activities that you enjoy. You may be dreaming of getting away from it all during this festive season. Haven't had a holiday in a while? A mini-break might be the answer, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you look for the best in others you'll find it, and if you look for the worst, you'll find that too. Everyone has a good and a bad side, but it helps to seek out the light rather than the dark. This way, you'll make the world a much better place. Even so, an edgy Neptune link suggests there are those who may be out to fool you. You can trust your instincts to keep you in the loop, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Venus and Mercury in your creative zone, it's time to do something out of the ordinary. You have some wonderful talents, and this is your chance to make the most of them. Yet your horoscope suggests you may feel you're not getting the support you need from loved ones. If you're certain that a course of action is necessary for your emotional wellbeing, then go ahead and take it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your natural urge may be to broaden your horizons, and to do so in the company of friends. In fact, the current set-up can be the reason you're keen to travel, especially if you want to immerse yourself in a new environment. Planning is essential though, as is attention to detail. As Mars continues to rewind, beware of choices that might not be in your best interests. Trust your gut!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
In a charitable mood and ready to help in whatever way you can? Whether this means assisting family members with DIY tasks, house cleaning, cooking or running errands, you might drop everything to give them a hand. Leave a space clear in your schedule though, as you could likely use a pampering session or other treat. Don't deny yourself the chance of some self-care.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may radiate positivity and be in a buoyant mood, but on a deeper more personal level, you might not be quite so confident. If this is your experience, then it's likely due to a tie between the Sun and elusive Neptune. Within a few days this can shift, and you could begin to feel more like your usual self. For now, simplify your schedule and leave complex matters for another day.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It's a good time for reflection or spiritual pursuits. A meditation or yoga class that balances mind and body, can be an antidote to the stress of having too much on your plate. Plus, if you're eager to attend an event or other get-together with friends, go for it, Capricorn. Any gathering that gets you out and encourages you to meet new people is a winner. You'll come away happy.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Joining forces with someone who shares your interests might make a social event or pleasure trip an uplifting experience. With confusing Neptune in the mix though Aquarius, it helps to keep track of your money. You could end up paying more than your fair share or get confused about prices. Having an idea of what it's going to cost first means you're less likely to be caught out.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Sun in your career zone currently making a lingering connection with Neptune, it's wise to read the small print before you commit to anything important. As this influence will be active for another day or so, it's just as well to be aware of any pitfalls before they morph into something more. The cosmos suggests taking nothing for granted until you know the score.