The Moon has glided into Pisces, perfect for tuning into our deepest needs – if we give ourselves permission, but will we? Some inhibition is possible in the guise of Saturn, which continues to be in an opposition with Mars and an obtuse angle to Venus, too.
With both the Moon, and Venus – in Cancer – Water Signs, Saturn in Sagittarius is by contrast the fact finder, the scientist, relentlesly demanding hard and fast information, whilst the Moon is more about how we feel, sense and perceive things.
With Neptune the co-regent of Pisces, also continuing to detract from the logic of Mercury, today facts can quite litterally be stranger than fiction or someone, perhaps even ourselves, can deny a perception based on a lack of fact. We should try not to ignore the realities, but also listen to our inner voices.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You'll get a mental boost as Mars roars into Gemini today, where it remains for more or less six weeks. This specific transit can see you mentally active, have more visitors and acquiring a skill or studying for a qualification. Despite this don't ignore an intuitive hunch, even if it does seem to contradict any facts.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You're set to be savvier when it comes to handling finances, so much so that you'll have an opportunity to earn extra cash from here on in. The current emphasis on money matters can spur you on to find better deals for the services you use. This could also be a perfect evening for dinner out with friends, or one special person.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You'll have more energy at your disposal due to Mars's arrival into your sign, and you can use this to your advantage over the weeks ahead. Though you might still have hurdles to leap, solutions will seem more easily available than it first seems. You could find a dream or ambition comes sharply into focus too, now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There may be more going on than meets the eye, and today you'll have the insight to see what this is. A combination of intuition and natural deduction gives you the advantage and might make it almost impossible for someone to carry on deceiving you any longer. Once you know the score you can make a decision.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Any interactions you have with friends or colleagues should go well today, with a chance to further your cause. Also the social pace can speed up, bringing more opportunities for fun, networking and for getting involved in community projects. It's not perhaps the best time for a big purchase though, so hold back for now.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your charisma gets a boost and this might be the reason you get to make progress with a goal or ambition. Your willingness to talk to people about your plans, to ask their advice and make enquiries can stand you in good stead. However, don't take everyone's words at face value, one person may be bending the truth.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A friend might persuade you to consider a vacation with them or even a short break. And currently camaraderie and travel go hand in hand, and you'll have an even better time if you opt to go with someone who knows a resort or area and can act as a guide. Expanding your knowledge base might also appeal today.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A sense of fun could offset the more serious aspects of the day. Though you'll likely be busy, you could impress a significant other because of a creative approach to getting things done. Later, arranging a get-together for friends can brighten the evening hours in a special way, particularly if there's anything to celebrate.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Matters of the heart may take precedence as Mars enters Gemini. Stepping out of your comfort zone can enhance the chance of a romantic encounter too. With regards to a long-term bond, a short break or an extended holiday could be the perfect tonics, with the chance to relax even helping to rekindle the flames of passion.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
People may admire your confidence concerning a challenge. However, it's possible you're not as self-assured as you seem. Today's Moon Saturn connection hints that your main hurdle may be in overcoming a psychological barrier. You might need to "fake it 'til you make it" in order to achieve your goal – though this is possible.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Though intense conversations or unhelpful attitudes could be a factor today, you'll find that the right company can boost your spirits, chasing away thoughts of doubt or frustration. In addition, a friend's encouragement could be an important factor, giving you confidence to forge ahead and show the world what you can do.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your talent for picking up on others' moods and feelings is enhanced, which could be a real advantage. With Mercury linking harmoniously with Jupiter, it would be a pity to miss out on a fun social event or even a casual get-together. You may be minded to accept an invite if offered, and can benefit from this if you do.