Horoscopes Tuesday 12th July 2022

Lovely Venus in Gemini aligns with prudent Saturn in Aquarius which can make us careful about sharing anything too personal.

We'll also be very matter-of-fact when it comes to spending money or reaching agreements, preferring not to be rushed into anything. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 12th July 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 12th July 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As delightful Venus makes a harmonious angle with cautious Saturn, avoid becoming entangled in emotions and take a more logical approach to events. This may not be so easy, but it can mean the difference between a wise decision, or making a move on the spur of the moment that could prove unsettling in a few days. Reining in your feelings and staying detached might help, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Have a feeling that what you're proposing won't be met with approval by someone in authority? With a determined aspect on the cards involving lovely Venus and focused Saturn, you may be inclined to stand your ground. Any recent research will likely have given you key insights, and this, along with a presentation of the facts, could mean you have a chance to win them over.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's time to let certain people know that you're serious, even if it means putting on a tough act. It may persuade someone who wouldn't listen to you in the past, to take notice. With Venus aligning with prudent Saturn, this is a time to put feelings to one side and be more business-like, Gemini. Whether you're dealing with your family or someone in a formal situation, stay strong!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The days ahead may be a call to get serious, and focus on what's most important. This might mean conserving money and energy, and spending on those things that add value to your life. You could be going through a financial shift, and a key aspect can inspire you to rethink your priorities. Plus, a Moon/Jupiter angle may put you on track to grasp a special opportunity.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A friend might seek reassurance Leo, and this is where a steady approach to life can be so very helpful. While it may be tempting to join them by empathizing with their mood, a realistic approach could be of more help to them. Plus, a budding romance can begin to look promising. You may be willing to make a commitment, and give this potential bond more of a chance.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be hatching a secret plot, that you aren't ready to share with the world yet. A positive Venus/Saturn link, hints at a business idea or other plan that you might be cautiously excited about. With both planets in practical and detail-oriented zones, the more you attend to the facts, the more it's likely to succeed. Even so, there's a lot to be said for letting your creativity play a part too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although someone can be very low key, they might have an offer for you that could be worth taking seriously. They may not go out of their way to make it sound exciting or to try to sell it to you, but if you research it, it can intuitively feel right. However, if a person suggests you take up their dubious get-rich-quick scheme, don't fall for it Libra, as it could lose you a lot of money.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With sultry Venus in a sensitive zone aligning with Saturn, you might prefer to keep your feelings to yourself, rather than be too honest. It may be easier to withdraw and assess a relationship or situation, before you speak to anyone else. Tomorrow can be a turning point though, Scorpio. You'll have reached a conclusion, and be ready to make an announcement.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

An alliance with someone on your wavelength could prove valuable, Archer. It might be the reason that you're inclined to trust them with ideas and other confidences, that you can't share with others. You can accomplish a lot together, if you collaborate on an idea or pool resources. Your social life may also reveal rich potential, if you're prepared to move in new circles.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Venus forges a positive link with prudent Saturn in your money zone, which can put you in the position to get an excellent deal on something. Be prepared to look around, and you'll spot it at the perfect price for you. And with the Moon in your sign aligning with feisty Mars in Taurus, consider indulging in a hobby, sport or activity that you enjoy, and make the most of the day.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If someone asks you for advice, then you can go ahead and tell them everything you know that might help them. But if you see they're going wrong and attempting to manage alone, leave them to it. If you try to give them a few tips, they probably won't take any notice. Your horoscope reveals that it's only when they're really struggling that they'll swallow their pride and ask. To avoid a spat, bide your time.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Venus aligns with prudent Saturn in a private zone, it may be wise to apologise to someone you might have upset, even if you didn't mean to. You never know when you'll need their help with something, and you'll be more likely to get it if things are all square between you. On a social note, you could get invited to an event that's a tad costly, but well worth it, Pisces.

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