Horoscopes Tuesday 12th April 2016

Although delectable Venus makes a splendid angle to Mars, it may be best to defer from getting too involved romantically or seeking to fulfil a key desire.

The reason being that with Mars about to rewind in a few days time, we could find out excitement fading fast. What started with high hopes may briefly sparkle – then fade away. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 12th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 12th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Over the days ahead you could find yourself in demand due to Venus's sparkling angle with Mars. This fresh development may be doubly welcome after a potentially difficult week and could find you forging friendships with people who are go getters, just like you. Indeed, new alliances are more likely to emerge the more you move out of your comfort zone. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Although this might not be the smoothest time of the year for you, with the Sun moving through your psychological sector, you may find you can more readily grapple with issues. The positive Venus influence suggests that once you identify the cause this in itself can motivate you to forwards. Just don't feel pressured though, it really is fine to take your time.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon's awkward tie to Venus could see you giving generously to others whether you can afford to or not. However, with Venus making a dazzling connection to Mars, it may be worthwhile investing in one relationship that could prove beneficial in more ways than one. Will romance be involved? If this is what you both want Gemini, then it's possible.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Are you impressed by someone's success? If so, it may be down to activities that you could easily replicate yourself. However, another reason for their good fortune may be that they've grasped opportunities others have not seen. Don't believe that other new possibilities are not open to you too Cancer, it's just simply down to your desire and personal initiative.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Jupiter continuing to challenge Saturn it may seem a while since you last really enjoyed yourself. If this chimes with you, you might have the chance over the next day or so to unwind and have fun. A dazzling blend of energies can bring someone new into your life, or perhaps encourage you and a friend to spend time together on a shared interest.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Mercury now in Taurus you may feel more relaxed and open-minded about many things. Indeed, as he aligns with Neptune in your sector of relating, you'll probably find it easier to understand where others are coming from, even if they disagree with you. This can make for some productive conversations, even if you have opposing viewpoints to one another.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you're at a loss as to how to cope with the many demands put upon you, then help is at hand. However, the downside is that you might have to ask for it. Even so, with Mars slowing down prior to regressing, you could find that some of your issues are also due to a lack of organization in certain areas. Resolve this and perhaps life can be less complicated.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A conversation could inspire an idea which seems very appealing, Scorpio. Will your friends agree with you, though? They may not if they're looking for logic in what you are proposing. Even so, as the ongoing Mercury Neptune connection reaches a peak today, you could feel an assurance that your instincts are spot on, and that you can safely make your move.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If it seems your journey has been more uphill, you might relish the ease with which a new interest or relationship develops. The ongoing Venus Mars connection comes to a head now and can see you putting energy into activities that bring pleasure and make life enjoyable. In the months to come this may be something to fall back on whenever you need a respite.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A good friend will support you through thick and thin, but they cannot do so if you attempt to keep things from them. While the current connection between the planet of talk and thought and nebulous Neptune can encourage secrecy, it can also bring you and another even closer – if you're willing to trust them implicitly. And right now you might benefit from doing so.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Have recent encounters left you feeling unsatisfied? If so, then you may enjoy the warmth generated by the present Venus Mars aspect, which lights up your social sector, enhances communication and can also inspire you to make friends with those on your wavelength. Could such an alliance give you a head start regarding your popularity? Absolutely, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Are you tempted to abandon a plan rather than waste money and resources? If so, think carefully before doing so Pisces. You may be nearer to a breakthrough than it seems. In fact, over the coming days your horoscope suggests you may get assistance and support from someone with influence, and it is this that could prove to be such a turning point for you.