With the sassy energies of Mars aligning with the nebulous vibes of Neptune we may find that imbuing an idea or goal with spiritual qualities gives it deeper meaning.
It can be more diffficult to take positive action, though, as we may prefer to fantasize about the outcome rather than commit to making a move. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 11th October 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 11th October 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Lighter and brighter vibes may be more noticeable now. Over coming days this can see you moved to open up to someone. Most people you encounter can seem a little more obliging and perhaps be more generous and forgiving too. In this lovely atmosphere some positive expectations can bubble up and encourage new projects and friendships to emerge. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Do remain alert today and in the coming days. A positive planetary alignment influencing your sectors of work and ambition, hint at an opportunity that may be perfect for you. This may not promise the earth right away, but if you can embrace this, in time it can become something much more. Mind, around one personal tie, do guard against complacency.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Whatever you might think about a plan or idea, the present tie between Mercury and Jupiter can boost your optimism considerably, meaning you'll be more likely to have a go than not. Yet as Neptune softens the drive of Mars anything that you can do which ultimately helps others, can also give you a tremendous amount of personal satisfaction, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The cosmic picture strikes a pleasant note that can encourage you to spend quality time with those who are like family to you. This can be an opportunity to reaffirm your connection and really enjoy the moment. The chance to share stories and memories can prove genuinely heart warming. All this can be very life affirming, and underline what's really important.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Most people enjoy being complimented, but something someone says about you could prove especially uplifting and heart-warming. Perhaps they're words you'd been hoping to hear, making them even more valuable. You could also hear good news you've been waiting for. Whichever, the feelgood factor that warms the coming days can enhance your confidence.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mars aligns with Neptune in your sector of relating, you may find it easier to pick up on someone's thoughts, and to be aware if they're feeling down or disheartened. The same aspect might encourage you to offer to help them out should they need it, even if you have to make a small sacrifice. The cosmos also hints that a pampering session might do you good too.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Mercury and Jupiter's amiable connection in your sign could see you reaching out to others in a way that encourages new friendships and cements the ones you have. This can be an excellent opportunity to collaborate with others on key projects, or perhaps to relish some romantic downtime with the one you love. Whatever you do, look to enjoy it to the full.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've had set ideas on a certain issue or subject, the connection between Mars and Neptune could bring about a change of heart. Over the coming week or so the passion you may feel for this issue could return, but your perspective might have changed. For now, you may be willing to listen to others' viewpoints and take a more relaxed stance on life in general.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mercury's tie with Jupiter could help you realise the value of certain friendships and connections. In fact, you may even discover that someone can be even more supportive than you had previously realised. And if someone is generous this could prove touching, encouraging you to share your buoyant mood with anyone else that you encounter along the way.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An offer or opportunity could encourage you to sample a scheme or idea that allows you to progress further along your path, whether in terms of a goal, idea or career move. Your horoscope hints that a taster may be all you need though to inspire you to commit yourself further. Even so, you may find yourself more impressionable at this time, so do retain a little bit of your scepticism too.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A new discovery could make the coming days special, particularly if it promises a degree of excitement and is something that you feel motivated to investigate further. The power of certain ideas may be enough to liberate you from a difficult situation or from limitations that have been holding you back. Expect to experience a sense of empowerment from all this.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The most forgiving and easy going side of your nature can surface now, and you may be inclined to overlook any little niggles in the coming days. Your natural empathy and compassion can be heightened, making it easier to understand why others act like they do. We can all work at letting issues go, and this could be a time when you can do precisely this.