Horoscopes Thursday 9th February 2017

The Sun makes an harmonious aspect to Uranus over coming days, which can encourage us to get involved in creative and intellectual activities.

We may be more curious than usual to explore new information or to discuss matters that engage our interest and that we might want to take further. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 9th February 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 9th February 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Sun in your social sector ties with Uranus in your sign, a connection can prove especially meaningful and perhaps offer an opportunity that you won't want to pass by. At the same time you may have a strong desire to allow your creative side to play a part in any new projects. Then again, this combination can draw you towards people with unique and innovative ideas. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon moving into your domestic sector leading into a Lunar Eclipse over the weekend, you may feel a natural urge to pull back from life and perhaps to take stock. This quieter focus is echoed in other areas of your chart as well and may be the reason that you have reservations about being in the spotlight. However, being more open on one issue could bring relief to you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may find your focus drawn to subjects of interest or places that challenge and inspire you. If so, the idea of wanting to explore can become more intense over the months to come. It could almost feel like an urge to step into and experience something much larger, to embrace the bigger picture. To do so you might need to let go of an idea that may have a limited shelf life.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The desire to splurge could become quite marked at this time and could lead to the purchase of items because they seem to promise something special. However, do think of things in the round, for greater satisfaction may be found by looking within yourself. It may even be that an unfulfilled talent is begging to be expressed, and this will lead to greater contentment.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You could seesaw between extremes over the coming three days Leo, and this may be because your feelings about a certain person seem to fluctuate. Nevertheless, such emotions may not be a reliable guide in your present situation. What can help is talking things through as this could spotlight ideas or insights that might help clear up key issues and bring things back into balance.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A desire to keep an idea or even feelings under wraps may be justified in the light of the present cosmic picture. You could feel very protective of a plan that you may have been developing for some time. As a result, you might feel somewhat sensitive over coming days and not inclined to discuss this. Leaving this matter for a week or so can strengthen your sense of purpose.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A social outing could lead to the development of new friendships and it is this that may be particularly pleasing to you over coming days. At the same time, your horoscope hints that a connection may be on the wane and is likely down to the natural ebb and flow of life. While someone may leave your social circuit, others you might relate to far better are heading your way.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The cosmic vibe hints at some frustration if it seems that following a course of action may not be as easy as you had hoped. Other factors reveal that a key opportunity may show up over coming days and that this could change your plans somewhat. A willingness to release options that may no longer work and replace them with those that do may help speed you on your way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

An insight or bright idea could prove empowering to the point where it might reshape aspects of your life. While Saturn's presence in your sign might have focused your attention on key plans perhaps to the exclusion of other areas, the coming days can encourage you to reach out into the unknown and explore further. And doing so can generate a new lease of life for you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The question of values could turn out to be vitally important over the days ahead with regard to your relationships. With a Lunar Eclipse over the weekend heightening certain emotions, you may realize how much someone means to you and perhaps how much they have contributed over the time you have known them. Such a revelation can help to enhance your bond even more.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The current celestial picture hints you may have the chance to turn a niggling situation into a golden opportunity, especially as this matter could come to a head over coming days. Even so, doing so might involve adopting a fresh approach regarding one person. If this helps to deepen understanding and promote discussion you could begin to appreciate them more than ever.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the Sun makes a positive tie with Uranus, it can encourage you to think about introducing one or two changes into your life and how you might reorganize your present situation in order to bring new opportunities your way. The coming days might emphasize one path that could prove enlivening and this might see you integrating it more deeply into your life on an ongoing basis.