Horoscopes Thursday 4th February 2016

After yesterday's more restrictive energies the Moon in Sagittarius angles briefly with Jupiter, which can see us minded to do something a little more carefree. But obligation battles with the desire for space. 

Mars remains highly important however, so if you are feeling goal-orientated you may not want to be distracted by what you can see as fripperies and prefer to say resolutely focused on the main issues. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 4th February 2016 please see below… 

Horoscopes Thursday 4th February 2016 

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You can more easily persuade others to give you their support by using a dash of charm. Even so, the present line-up suggests that someone may see this as you being a touch manipulative and be put off by your approach. Ignore this Aries. Foster relationships with those who know instinctively that by helping you they also stand to gain.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Whether you like it or not you may find yourself in the spotlight over the days ahead. And once you realize what a great opportunity this is, you might want to use it to your advantage. This doesn't necessarily mean being "centre stage" but could be a chance to influence events in a way that attracts the attention of truly influential people. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The present planetary backdrop can tempt you to say things that might upset the apple cart. This may be down to lunar ties with Jupiter and Uranus that encourage you to be bolder. However, other influences suggest that it could be more than that, especially if you're keen to highlight an injustice, in which case speaking out can make all the difference.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you're enjoying someone's company and feel elated that your relationship is developing in strength, don't let anxiety creep in. It may be because you are lacking trust. If you can shift into observer mode for a while, you might realize you may have far too many expectations of yourself, some of which you'll likely never live up to – so just relax, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the Moon and Uranus connect, you might want to go with the flow. In contrast, other influences suggest you may regret it. Yet you'll make the most of today and the days ahead if you follow your instincts, especially if they seem to be pushing you in a certain direction. Indeed, if you can create a workable plan to support your insights, you could do very well.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You can either lace your words with honey by telling someone what they want to hear or you can offer them something a little more unpalatable – namely the truth. The present blend of energies suggests you might go either way. But what could affect your decision are the resulting consequences, which is what you should bear in mind most of all.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus syncs with Pluto in your family sector, you have an opportunity to get closer to certain people – which might or might not benefit you. A tie with the planet of desire Mars, suggests you may spot a way you can turn this situation to your advantage. Even so, you'll need to be discreet if you do, as otherwise your real motives may become clear.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Although someone might insist they're trustworthy, you could find it hard to believe. The current planetary picture suggests this person may be acting compulsively and have an agenda that you find distasteful. This is likely what you're picking up on – and is something you shouldn't ignore. Be friendly, but don't commit to anything unless you are sure.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Are you having a problem keeping up? If so, it may be time to increase the pace so that you can get a little more done. However, if the pressure is getting to be too much then perhaps you should consider delegating some of your workload. Even if this is not so easy to do, a charm offensive will probably help to open up the possibilities for help.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Someone with whom you've had a strained relationship may come to your aid, and as a result things between you could improve considerably. This can come about because the somewhat awkward tie between the Sun and Mars could push you to see them in a new light. In fact, any willingness on your part to do this could prove very beneficial.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If it seems that your efforts aren't getting you anywhere, then it may be because you've been too hard on yourself and now need to take a break. Finding the right balance between feeling proud of our achievements and good in ourselves can be a fine art, but one that is necessary. Look to create as well-rounded a lifestyle as is possible, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be invited to be with a group of people who are quite different from you. Their outlook may seem a tad materialistic compared to any of your more noble values. Nevertheless, there's a lot you can learn from them that might be useful to you. Mainly, that knowing what you want and who is key to this, can often be a major requirement of progress.