Horoscopes Thursday 4th April 2019

As the Moon in Aries forges a lively angle with fiery Mars we may be inspired to take action on a meaningful goal.

Our enthusiasm for something can peak and we'll likely feel positive about the outcome. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 4th April 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 4th April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Chiron the celestial body linked with healing now in your sign, you may feel it is time to look at issues that have confounded you over the years. The one that might draw your attention is likely the issue that has proved the most difficult to shift. Over coming days though, with fiery Mars angling towards this point, events may come together and encourage you to tackle it at last. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You can make a sterling impression by walking your talk Taurus, and doing that thing you have been discussing with others for some while. As the Moon in a secluded sector aligns with dynamic Mars and healing Chiron, the idea to improve your life could turn into a reality as you commit time and resources to making it happen and eliminate those blocks to your success.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your charisma and energy can be the reason that others respond to you so readily. With upbeat Mars in your sign, this may be a good time to give a friendship or partnership a little nudge, especially if things have become a tad routine lately. Over the days ahead, a social event can act as a catalyst Gemini, and see you and another making time to relish each other's company.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The stellar map hints that you may prefer to keep things to yourself for now, especially if you are busy making plans. This desire to be private could also be due to uncertainty, especially if you feel pulled in different directions. It may be time to get quiet and reflect on what you really want, as others could influence your choices Cancer, even if their wishes do run counter to your own.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Ever since lively Mars entered your sector of friendship and social activities, you may have become interested in connecting with the right people and getting to know them in more depth. And as the Moon in Aries aligns with the red planet Leo, your horoscope suggests you could be ready to grasp opportunities that involve you with charismatic others, who could act as a catalyst to action.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The present focus on an intense and transformational zone along with the coming New Moon, can prepare you for a new beginning. You may be rapidly tiring of issues that seem to prevent you from being all you can be. And you may be willing to take dynamic steps to remedy this. This might mean letting go of beliefs that keep you acting small rather than from a place of power.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As lively Mars powers though your sector of opportunities and new experiences, it might encourage you to explore the potential in a relationship by doing something new together. If your partnership has become stuck in a rut, this may be one way to add extra sizzle and rediscover the romance you once enjoyed. A trip or challenge could accomplish this and improve your bond.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There could be something very compelling about the coming weeks. You seem to be on the verge of an exciting adventure that could get deeply involved the more you commit to it. It could draw you into activities that can change and transform your life, and that might open new doors for you. Still, it can help to be mindful of each step and to let your instincts lead the way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With positive Jupiter in your sign, you can be an inspiration to others who need help and encouragement. In fact, if someone is experiencing difficulties regarding a project or an issue and doesn't know what to do, you could be of assistance. Just listening to your advice or spending time with you can leave them feeling so much more upbeat and give them confidence Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the pearly Moon moving through your domestic sector and linking to lively Mars in your lifestyle zone, there may be many reasons why you feel it is time to ring in the changes. This may include thoughts of a move, as it could give you access to more opportunities and chances to connect with people or enjoy facilities. A family conversation about this could prove fruitful.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Moon in your sector of communication angling towards dynamic Mars, you may wonder if an idea of yours has potential or if you are taking on more than you can handle. The only way to find out Aquarius, may be to make a start and see how you get on. Tackling it step by step can see you developing self-assurance, especially if the results beat your expectations.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A childhood dream may be about to be realized, and could lead you on an exciting journey of discovery. With a lively influence in your home zone, you may find it enjoyable to dig into your store of memories and connect with activities or places that you enjoyed in your earlier years. Tapping into these could bring great pleasure, but might also kick start fresh opportunities Pisces.