Emotional information comes into focus. We all need to communicate how we feel clearly and frankly.
However, we also need to watch out for someone who may tend to know what is best for us, and not hold back from telling us where we are going wrong. Equally we all need to guard against being too evangelical. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 3rd March 2016 please see below..
Horoscopes Thursday 3rd March 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Pay careful attention to what your intuition has to tell you over the next week or so, as it can be key. Certain people may try to persuade you that their business is your business, which it plainly isn't. Don't let them Aries, as you may find yourself heading in the wrong direction and as a result losing precious ground regarding your own goals and plans.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A shrewd appraisal may be enough to convince you that certain people have no idea how to handle their finances. With Saturn in your sector of shared resources encouraging you to be responsible for your money, it might be difficult to understand how others can be so wasteful. You don't have to – just make sure you don't drop your guard and follow suit.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Try not to take others too seriously over the coming days, when some especially sour influences might see certain people decidedly off form. And if you talk to them about your hopes, they may try to dissuade you and pick out too many pitfalls. You don't have to listen – but if you do, their words might dent your confidence and your ability to succeed.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Sun's link to Saturn suggests that you can have a lot to accomplish – perhaps more than you can easily manage. Nevertheless, if you pace yourself you'll probably have enough stamina to fulfil your obligations – as long as you don't give in to doubt. If you find yourself wavering, link to those who are most supportive and understanding of you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While Venus and its angles to both Saturn and Uranus encourage you to harness the power of co-operation in order to make progress, Mercury's awkward link to Mars can see you stirring things up regarding home and family matters. If those you're close to complain, it means your words are having a rousing effect and that change might swiftly follow.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Any frustrations you're experiencing might hinge on responsibilities associated with your home or property. Furthermore, you may need to attend to them urgently if you've put them off for some time. It may be the increased pressure that motivates you to tackle these issues. Once you do you'll likely feel happier and might wonder what took you so long.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Are you choosing to take someone's words at face value rather than trusting yourself? If so, you could be forced into relying on your instincts over coming days, a time when someone's take can be harder and harder to believe. Mind, this might encourage you to acknowledge what you've known all along, but never wanted to admit. Doing so might be a relief.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It may be wise to keep out of other people's conflicts, no matter how close you are to them. Indeed, as Mercury and Mars clash, keeping a low profile over coming days may be advisable. If you do get involved, it could prove very difficult to distance yourself. And soon enough they may look to you to resolve the issue, even though it has nothing to do with you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Saturn in your sign, angles sharply to your ruler Jupiter in your career sector – and the Sun in your family zone. How will this pan out? Well, perhaps it's time to rein in some of your more speculative activities, just to make sure that the everyday things that are so essential don't get too neglected. Also realise that there are only so many hours in each day.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You might feel an urge to question certain people concerning claims they have made, especially if something doesn't seem right. Then again, it could be that you're being unnecessarily suspicious. However, if someone has exaggerated a claim, you'd be right to pin them about this. Just be prepared it could put them on the defensive, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Perhaps you sense that you're being held to ransom regarding a financial matter, which might persist over the next week or so. However, whether it's an organization you're having problems with or a person, talking things over can certainly help. Even so, to get the results you seek you may need to be much tougher and a lot less accommodating.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Friends may be keen to give you the encouragement you need, but if you doubt yourself then it won't help. Over the coming days you may come up with a number of reasons why you can't accomplish key goals. However, it only needs a shift in viewpoint to realize all the reasons why you can. Soon enough you could find the latter outweigh the former, Pisces.