Horoscopes Thursday 2nd May 2019

The planet of talk and thought angles towards passionate Pluto, so we could find ourselves obsessing over something we read or overhear.

We might be so focused on an idea or person that we forget about other equally important matters. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 2nd May 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 2nd May 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Co-operating may be the last thing on your mind, even if your aim is similar to that of another. This may be down to an awkward aspect involving deal-maker Mercury and persistent Pluto. And you might be concerned about the true cost if you join forces with this person. Though you could be tempted to speak your mind, a diplomatic approach can work so much better. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You might wonder why your thoughts about someone are so intense, and what you could do to stop this. It's likely down to an awkward angle between Mercury and Pluto, and the good news is that this is temporary. This might not help you today though, when you likely wish that you could switch to a more soothing subject. Bide your time Taurus, as tomorrow it should begin to ease.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You could take a sensitive approach to certain a matter, and yet someone may still take offence. Their mood might not have anything to do with you, and is more likely to be linked with personal issues they are troubled by. As the Moon merges with Venus in your social zone, you could try inviting them for a coffee Gemini, as talking things over with them might help them unwind.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could find yourself more affected by other people's words than usual, and may delay making an announcement if it might cause a stir. And yet your words can have power too, and this may be an opportunity to ring in changes that are long overdue. Although you could feel a tad anxious today, tomorrow you may feel more positive about sharing something important.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be just as well to keep an open mind on a key issue, and not to become overly attached to one idea or thought. However, this can be easy to say and not so simple to do. You could be preoccupied with something that seems to fascinate you, and it might crowd out other matters that may be more urgent. Get your priorities down on paper and they will help you to stay on track.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Is it really so important to be right Virgo? There can be great merit in backing off and allowing the conversation to remain equable. Too much arguing can be exhausting, especially as Mercury's angle to potent Pluto might make this a compulsive need. Go the opposite way, and see if you can let it all go for now, as your horoscope suggests that a release of tension could be felt by you as a real relief.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Though you are generally known for your diplomacy, your words could provoke disagreements around a matter you have no real issue with Libra. It could be something said innocently enough that seems to offend, and it might appear difficult to make amends. In a few days though, this might all be forgotten, but if you can avoid taking it personally, then so much the better.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As expressive Mercury aligns with Pluto your guide, in your sector of communication, thinking can be compulsive. And much as you might tire of thoughts going around in your head, there may not seem much you can do about it. One way to tackle this may be to get physical and focus on moving your body, as this can help restless energy to be earthed and your mind to settle down.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may be inclined to keep your thoughts to yourself, and even to protect them should someone try to pry a secret from you. No matter how sociable and friendly others are, you might prefer to clam up. If it is an issue that has brought up intense feelings for some time, then it could be wise to share them though Archer, as an offer of help might ease any burdens and relieve tension.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you feel strongly enough about something to the point where you don't want to consider any other outcome except yours, there may be a problem. For now though, you may be incapable of considering others' perspectives, and that is okay, so long as you don't try to foist your views on others. In a day or so though, you may be ready to embrace another solution that works for all.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An intense transit can bring to light psychological energies within you that could change aspects of your life. If you use the coming days for introspection, you may get in touch with dimensions of your being and gain greater awareness of your purpose or mission in life. If you are keen to realize a personal dream though, you may need to give something up to attract something better.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It probably won't help to get into an argument with a friend or associate, as likely no-one will win, and it could upset a relationship that is otherwise quite steady. The desire to defend an issue just for the sake of it, could cause you or another to say things you may regret. Words have power over coming days, so it helps to wield them with care to promote healing and understanding.