Today's New Moon in Capricorn can be an excellent time to set goals, initiate projects and make a commitment to achieving a key ambition.
Moreover, this grounding energy could encourage us to develop the necessary discipline too. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 29th December 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 29th December 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Should you decide to follow your intuition and the deeper stirrings within you, a decision to make a fresh start can be a turning point. And in part this can be linked to Uranus moving forward in your sign after many months in its annual retrograde. Recasting your hopes in a new light so that they shimmer with zesty appeal is probably going to be an important part of this, Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Has advice from those around you been rather ambiguous? If so, it may be the reason you have hesitated to do something that could have positive consequences. Today though, something can shift for you as an inner impulse might see you stepping out regardless. There's no guarantees that you will make the right choices, but you can feel better for at least deciding.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Confidence can soar when it comes to pouring yourself into creative or playful activities, but you can feel less assured around the more practical or structural strands of your existence. It's possible that there have been changes to your innermost feelings and the way you see yourself. So this could well be a time of adjustment, as things gradually realign for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's New Moon in your sector of relating can kick start a process of reconciliation or may see another extending the hand of friendship. With fiery Mars eclipsed by the ethereal quality of Neptune, feelings of devotion could also enter into the equation. However, discrimination is also going to be wise, for despite this there could still be an agenda around one person.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Subtle but key changes to the cosmic backdrop can promote a can-do attitude. And even if you don't yet feel quite ready to tackle certain tasks, writing out a to-do-list can be a great place to begin. And although you may not be ready to try out a new possibility in its entirety, you might be minded to try it out on a bite size basis, just to see how it feels, which would be smart.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It may be tempting to let someone else's plans dominate your thinking rather than to stick to what you have decided for yourself. However, it's important that you feel you can be yourself. Pleasing others to the point where we compromise our own needs is unlikely to make us very happy. Part of the problem here is that someone may, even if unintentionally, be making you feel guilty.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Talking through a deeply personal, home or family issue, could lead to you getting to a firmer position. However, for this to truly work though, you may need to encourage a partner or other loved ones out of any sense of complacency that they may have, which could take some gentle persuasion. But your willingness to embrace changes can also inspire others too, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may find that as Uranus pushes forward from today in your lifestyle and wellness sector, it becomes easier to stick with your routines and that any inner resistance might begin to ease. This may not happen immediately, but over coming weeks you can be less unsettled in these areas. Mind, that doesn't mean that change in general can't be good for you, but it needs to be right.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
In the approach to the New Year, a focus on your domestic sector suggests that your values may be put to the test concerning a family member. Should you embrace their ideals and beliefs even if you don't agree with them, or say what you think even if it might prove divisive? While it could seem more accepting to let them be, you may feel compelled to say how you really feel.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Today's New Moon in your sign Capricorn can be an interesting one, and your imagination can really be turned to max. Whatever you had planned could be overlaid by a seam of creative ideas that you can easily tap into. If you've had a desire to write, play an instrument or do anything artistic, this powerful astrological prompt can inspire you to take a firm grip and go for it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Current trends can entice you to turn over a new leaf regarding your feelings about an issue or person, especially if this or they have consumed your thinking recently. This may require a forgiving attitude on your behalf and there could be reasons why this might not come easily. If you do feel blocked, your horoscope suggests looking to try and grieve out the old events that have caused such hurt.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
An invite can prove to be a golden opportunity to get to know someone better, especially if they have been on your radar for some time. But your Solar horoscope also reveals a deeper attunement to people in general and great sensitivity to what they may be going through. This can give you a fantastic ability to soak up any key social trends or react to the needs of friends.