Articulate Mercury aligns with aquatic Neptune which can heighten imagination and encourage daydreaming.
It can be excellent for art or craft work and if we want to relax, for enjoying a good novel or movie. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 28th November 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 28th November 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
An unexpected offer could crackle with promise, and perhaps create an opportunity to earn extra cash. With Venus in your sector of ambition and Uranus in your money zone, something can click into place and could lead to exciting opportunities in the future. Plus, the Moon's link to Jupiter might see you in a bold mood and ready to exit your comfort zone regarding an idea.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Someone might have a surprise for you, and one that you'll appreciate, especially if it involves an impromptu trip or an opportunity that sizzles with promise. There could also be a romantic encounter that can be like a breath of fresh air, and that you might want to pursue further. If aspects of your life have been full on lately Taurus, then trying out an experience for fun can appeal too.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun's presence in your sector of relating can inspire you to spend more time with those you are closest to, which could prove rewarding. But a lively Venus link also hints at passions bubbling away beneath the surface, perhaps because they are hard to admit to. The current sparkling blend of energies suggests something may be said by accident, giving the game away.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With inspiring Uranus enlivening your friendships and social life, you have more chance of connecting with people and groups who might make a positive difference to your life. The current line-up suggests one such encounter could prove motivating and filled with enriching possibilities. Your horoscope reveals that relationships in general though, can soon appear lighter and brighter Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Whatever you are doing Leo, the Sun's presence in your leisure zone encourages you to make use of your creativity, as doing so could mean your projects will be more likely to succeed. On the work front, a refreshing aspect might see you teaming up with someone who has the same inclination towards cutting-edge ideas as you. Ready for new options and solutions? This could be your chance.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If romance and creative activities have seemed to be exhausting rather than a total pleasure, this may be about to change. With lovely Venus now in this zone and linking to energizing Uranus, a developing relationship could encourage you to learn new things, travel to interesting places and to expand your options. Ready for a boost in confidence? Soon you'll be flying high Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you have coveted an item for the home but so far been unable to purchase it, this can all change Libra. There is the chance of you receiving it as a gift or of a small windfall that might enable you to purchase it anyway. Be on the lookout too, for an unexpected guest who could bring much pleasure and fun to the coming days. Need a distraction? They could be pleasantly entertaining.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Talkative Mercury's harmonious link to Neptune occurs for the third time in a few weeks, and may bring a situation to a meaningful conclusion. If someone has confused you at every turn, the coming days can enable you to separate the various strands and find out the truth of the situation. It could mean finally being able to trust them Scorpio, as any doubts you had are proven wrong.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be used to working hard for your money, especially having sobering Saturn and powerbroker Pluto in your financial zone for some time. Over coming days though and for some time into the future, you might experience more good fortune and lucky breaks than is usual. And if someone makes you an unexpected offer, it could be a good one, but you'll need to grab it fast.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you have a brilliant idea, share it rather than let it go to waste. As lovely Venus aligns with futuristic Uranus, this could be the answer to an issue that has niggled you, related to romance, a key goal or creative project. The solution may be revealed as a result of an encounter and the sparkling conversation that ensues. Recognise its brilliance? Dare to give it a go Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may want to keep something private between you and a few close ones, which can be possible if you don't let something slip by accident. With freedom-loving Uranus a part of the scene though, this may be easier said than done. It could become general knowledge regardless, and may come as a surprise to certain people. Sharing openly in the first place might avoid this.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Sultry Venus's tie to lively Uranus can encourage you to draw closer to someone because of the chemistry you have with them. Although this could be a romantic bond, it is more likely to concern a developing friendship, where you feel good in someone's company and enjoy their perspective on life. Furthermore, it might lead to a pairing that works well for both of you.