Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Today’s Horoscopes Thursday 26th November 2015

The Moon remains in Gemini today but the role of the ruler of the Twins, Mercury is the planet most in the spotlight today, conjoining exactly with Saturn. Mental concentration, on the face of it should be easier.

But the downside is that this too squares Neptune, so a sense of discouragement and low spirits could envelop us, unless we are determined now to let vague doubts or people's moans and groans bring us down. Mars remains influential, and it is all about focus. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 26th November 2015 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The effects of yesterday's Full Moon may have given you much to think about. And, while information overload can be a tad exhausting – it's likely you'll be picking up on other people's moods and feelings too. This is why it's best not to rush into making any major decision, as clarity may be in short supply just now, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If progress seems slow, no matter how much you want to get ahead, then it may be best to do as little as possible for a few days, especially if you've hit obstacle after obstacle. Rather than stumble on with diminished enthusiasm, resolve to think about the bigger picture in your life. It will help you get your bearings.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

In a difficult situation? If so, it's possible anxious thoughts are draining your reserves. However, you may reach a point today when you make a decision that will help you to deal with this better. Wonderfully, this can just seem to emerge from the ether, but once it does you can be delighted by its sheer ingenuity. {copytag:[615]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

All this week Venus has been in broad opposition to the unpredictable Uranus. Today the Moon joins in suggesting that something can emerge from within you that can help you in an instance to turn your mindset on its head, and feel less burdened by recent demands – that is of course, if you can be flexible enough to apply it.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Decisiveness could prove to be a problem today, Leo. Lunar links along with the destabilizing Saturn Neptune tie could see you cycling between various options that might all seem equally enticing. For now, it's is probably best not to plump for any of them. Instead, take a relaxed approach, and just go with the proverbial flow.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although you may have a great deal of responsibilities to attend to, it will help to stay cool, calm and collected rather than get agitated. Rather than feverishly seek out solutions, bide your time for now and just pick up each task, one by one, with that lovely precision and common sense that you often bring to situations.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A willingness to think outside of the box when seeking new solutions or fresh ideas could mean the day ahead becomes a turning point – and one that initiates a new bright phase. The realization that you need to embrace positive change may be enough to set the wheels of progress turning in a more supportive direction.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Moon angles to Uranus, thoughts may speed up, particularly if you're trying to get a handle on an area of your life that seems unsettled. While a sound plan can help ease anxiety, too much thinking may have the opposite effect. Over the hours ahead be determined to stay firmly in control of your emotions.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Others may have plenty to say that might help you resolve your current problems. However, there are times when less input may be better than more – and this could be one of them. Although you do need to be mindful of others' sensitivities, equally you must not let too many distractions divert your course, if you are fully sure of it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Whatever issues you may face, this is a fine day to reflect or meditate and appraise your emotional responses. If you're facing a challenge, then over-thinking might not help you find the solutions you seek. Instead, take a break from consciously working out what you should do, and just let the realisations bubble up more naturally.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You can have a wonderfully idiosyncratic way of dealing with life sometimes Aquarius, and today can be a point in case. Whether it's your quirky sense of fun, or unique way of relating to a wide spectrum of different humanoids, the chances are injecting proceedings with this kind of individuality can prove richly rewarding.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Experiences over recent days may have left you somewhat confused or at least bemused, and perhaps in need of a more structured and positive approach. However, your best source of information may be yourself. If you can quiet your mind enough to tune in, the answers to any dilemmas can emerge into your mind.