Horoscopes Thursday 26th March 2020

With the Moon in Taurus making an uncomfortable tie to Saturn we may feel like keeping a distance from others and being alone.

This might not be such a bad thing though if it allows a chance to think things through as we could emerge feeling recharged. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 26th March 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 26th March 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The qualities of determination and fearlessness are ones that you might want to focus on, as they may help you get beyond any feelings of doubt or uncertainty. If making a move on a key plan seems one step too far, then a strong alignment could help you blast through any angst. Be sure that what you are aiming for is right for you though, as it could well be a game-changer Aries.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If an edgy mood takes hold then try not to be deterred, as your outlook could brighten as the day progresses and may even show promise. A positive tie between Venus and Jupiter suggests a chance to let your convivial side lead the way. Make a call or two or extend the hand of friendship to someone you meet. Interesting things are in the offing, so encourage them along.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Saturn newly in your sector of far horizons, you may begin to take certain ideas and beliefs a lot more seriously. You might have toyed with them before but over the coming months, you could see them in a new light and decide to make a commitment. Doing so could mean changes to your life and lifestyle, and to a new way of interacting with the world and people you know.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There is a lot of positive energy showing, so it would be a shame to let an incident ruin what can be an upbeat few days. Still, unless you make a point of letting a certain matter go it could play on your mind and leave you with less energy and focus for other things. Good company can be a tonic in this regard, and might be the key to making the most of invites and opportunities Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There's no harm in laying on the charm if it helps you make potential gains with business or career matters. Just don't make it too obvious Leo. As convivial Venus aligns with Jupiter and Pluto, you may appear rather too enthusiastic which could put someone off. You could have your eye on a big opportunity, but be subtle, and make a point of showing you're the best for the job.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There are many reasons to rejoice at the bold and lively influences working on your behalf, that can enhance creativity and romantic options. The only thing that might not help is a desire to make a project or even a romantic bond your main focus, especially if it has already taken a lot of your time. Give it space and try not to micromanage, and progress may be all the swifter.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun in your relationship zone can give you the boost you need Libra, and bring romantic and social options into the mix. While it is possible that a domestic issue reaches a peak and that a decision may need to be made, take it in your stride. Talking to a friend might help you see another perspective that you hadn't considered, and put a refreshing spin on homely matters.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Moon angles towards Mars and Pluto, a situation that has been ongoing may come to a head. This can involve a clash with someone, and there might seem to be no immediate solution. If you can step back though and detach, you might notice how the intensity diminishes. Try to let it go Scorpio, as doing so can free you up for some upbeat social events or a special romantic date.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The desire for something could intensify, encouraging you to do almost anything to have it. And the more difficult it is to get, the more you might want it. If it is a good investment, this urge can ensure that you track it down and eventually own it. But whether it is good for you or not, your horoscope suggests you might not be able to settle until you know it will be yours. Then you can finally relax Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Resisting change can be a futile exercise and clinging to aspects of the past may keep you stuck, whereas embracing fresh ideas could seem audacious and yet be very freeing. This is the situation that you may find yourself, and if so, it can help to look to the bigger picture and consider other possibilities. Is a romance ready to blossom? Relax, and let it develop naturally.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you are willing to share an idea or your feelings, then it could change things for the better. The more proactive you are, the more goodwill you might generate, encouraging support for key plans. The Moon's edgy ties though, could find you doubting yourself. Even though this is a time to move out of your comfort zone, there might be lingering fears that may need some attention.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The more you desire something or someone, the more you might gear up for the chase. As seductive Venus aligns with Jupiter and Pluto in your social zone, this need can feel deeply personal and might disrupt other activities. Think about the consequences though. If you get it or connect with that person, will it really make you happier? It might, but then it might not Pisces.