Horoscopes Thursday 26th December 2019

Today brings a powerful and fortunate Solar Eclipse in Capricorn that ties in with upbeat Jupiter and innovative Uranus.

It's wise to stay alert for lucky breaks and interesting encounters all of which can assist us in getting the breakthrough we deserve. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 26th December 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 26th December 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A powerful Solar Eclipse in a prominent sector suggests you could be offered an opportunity that alters your course. The coming days, weeks and months may see changes that can catapult you to the next level or onto a path that you have always wanted to follow. As this Eclipse aligns with two dynamic planets, this could be a time when your fortunes might change in wonderful ways.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A potent focus in your adventure zone can inspire a sense of excitement over the days ahead. If you've felt dispirited in your search for something fresh, the coming weeks may encourage you to set a new agenda that leaves you feeling pleasantly upbeat. Consider blazing your own trail rather than go with the tried and trusted, as with boldness and persistence you can shine Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A key issue concerning shared resources may come to a head. However, with skilful handling you could feel a lot more positive about this than you have in some time. With an Eclipse on the cards that ties in with Jupiter and Uranus, you may get to the heart of what has been bothering you and find a solution that changes everything. A new beginning may be on the way Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Today's powerful lunation in your sector of relating, may cause a stir and could be the reason that a partnership or romance reaches a critical point. And yet with aspects looking so upbeat, whatever decisions you do make could work out well for both of you. Whether you are taking on a challenge or are turning over another leaf, a new confidence and sense of freedom can emerge.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be delighted and amazed by an offer that comes your way. There's more though, as by taking this up you could find that new doors open for you. A sparkling Eclipse can be a call to embrace opportunities that may be exactly what you have been looking for, for some time. This might mean some restructuring in the future, but it also suggests you will be so much happier.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With a potent influence bringing the chance of a shift, the coming days and weeks can see fresh developments. If you have been waiting for the right moment to launch a project or even a side business, that time could be now. Falling for someone? Wait before taking things further, as emotions can be intense around a Solar Eclipse. See if you feel the same next week Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Anything linked to the home, family and your roots, can gain in importance over coming days and weeks. A decision to move, expand your family or even explore your ancestry in depth, may bring new possibilities and ideas into the open. And even downsizing might bring a positive new future your way. No matter what plans you have Libra, a delightful change can be on its way.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Words may boost morale with an Eclipse in your sector of talk and thought. It's possible that news may come your way that frees you from certain stresses. This could be information, expert advice or an opportunity you have coveted. Equally, a new bond could develop that proves to be very useful. Ready for romance? Your horoscope suggests a sizzling conversation might be the start of something new.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With a potent lunar phase linking to Jupiter and Uranus, finances may be about to change for the better. The bigger picture suggests you stay alert for opportunities to enhance your income. Even so, there can be some news over coming days concerning a potential new beginning. Keen to launch your own enterprise? With potent energies working on your behalf, give it a go Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's Solar Eclipse in your sign can act like a turbocharged New Moon, bringing powerful opportunities and events into your life. If you've felt like a change, this lunar phase may well deliver. Furthermore, it's a call to move forward and to be true to your purpose. And it is also time to let go of anything that no longer serves your interests, leaving you space for new options.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Time spent reflecting on your life and how you might make key changes, can cause powerful ideas to surface. Indeed, a realization over coming days could give much food for thought. You may find that something you felt would make you happy no longer appeals. Conversely, an idea may bubble to the surface or show itself in a dream that fills you with a real sense of purpose.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Great things can happen when you decide to get out and about, and you may experience this in person Pisces, with a buoyant Eclipse in your social sector leading the way. Be open to having an amazing few days, as you find yourself chatting to people who may have the info or advice you need. You could also meet with someone who has soulmate potential, if this is what you want.