The Moon in Leo squares-off with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, which could upset our plans and cause delays.
There's a stubborn quality to this aspect that could cause conflict unless we are prepared to compromise. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 25th November 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 25th November 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There may be some churning of emotions, as an edgy blend of aspects can find you frustrated and exhilarated at the way things are panning out. And you might be wondering if there is something you could do to help things along. Even if you are inconvenienced, just the act of getting out of your own way is enough for things to fall into place. Still, try not to be too hard on yourself.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Impatient to get something done? You might wonder why the powers that be are taking so long to deliver. Today's awkward lunar ties can emphasize the divide between wanting something now, and waiting for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn fast enough for it to happen. As you likely have no control over this, you may have a more productive day if you focus on the easy tasks first.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ready to help in a crisis, Gemini? Under the current star map, conflicting energies could find you caught up in dramas. You may be the only person who seems to have all the answers, but if you take sides, it might not help matters along. Your horoscope suggests that if you can carefully navigate a middle course, you could turn this around. Even so, you may say something on impulse that sets it all off again.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If flashes of irritation should show up, then admit to them rather than hope they will go away. With the Moon your ruler angling towards key planets, someone's attitude may cause you to feel uptight and to want to retaliate. They might feel the same about you though Cancer, so perhaps it's an idea to get some space from each other. That way, when you meet again you'll be fine.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Is someone acting out of character? If so, you may wonder why, especially if you know them well. Ready to have a tactful chat, Leo? If you can manage this, then it might sort out this matter once and for all. If they don't want to talk, then it's best to leave them alone to work things out for themselves. Instead of worrying about them, do something nice for yourself and enjoy it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Issues with your workflow and a desire to be more adventurous, could set you thinking about the possibilities open to you if you redesign aspects of your life. The Moon in a quiet zone, angles towards Saturn and Uranus, and might contribute to you feeling stuck with no leeway to explore other options. There is an answer Virgo, but if you want it, you'll need to think out of the box.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You could be in a defensive mood, if it seems that someone is taking credit for something that is yours. You might be ready to make your feelings known, and not too politely either. Be sure this is the case before you say anything though. Great minds do think alike, but it may be that synchronicity is at work here. And if you both thought of it at the same time, whose idea is it?
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you know something isn't working, why continue with it? It may be because you've put so much effort in that you can't bear to give up and move on. But perhaps you don't have to drop it completely. A fresh perspective could make all the difference, and a few tweaks might save the day. Plus, with lovely Venus aligning with Mars, an agreement can be almost ready to roll.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This can be a good time to further your goals. Even so, you may be required to tap into hidden resources and innate skills you haven't used for a while, if ever. There could be an element of going into the unknown here. But if you're willing to push ahead, you might find that people around you can be moved, and genuinely helped by what you have on offer, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Shopping can seem the way out of a tricky issue, and guaranteed to leave you feeling much better in an instant. Even so, if you experience a clash with someone in your social circle, this matter will still be reverberating in the ether, even if you do have some new clothes or other treats to keep you company. Give them a call, as no matter who is in the wrong, this could set it right.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may not want to contemplate something too deeply, because of what it might imply. With the Moon forging dramatic angles, you could hope that by ignoring it, it will go away. But if you face it to even a small degree, then clarity can begin to dawn. With a little soul searching, much may be uncovered Aquarius, and you might find you have nothing to worry about at all.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Have bold ideas in mind? Current influences suggest excitement around what is possible. Don't make any snap decisions today though, as you are likely to be either too conservative or too way-out, when practical and innovative might be your best bet. Feedback could be helpful too, as another perspective will add something that gives you even more reason to feel upbeat, Pisces.