Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Thursday 25th August 2016

With a Quarter Moon in Gemini we may find the day can be more successful if we prioritise our tasks and don't try to spread ourselves too thin.

Certainly, keeping things as simple as possible can prevent us from becoming bogged down in a sea of unnecessary details which could delay progress. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 25th August 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 25th August 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's Quarter Moon might need careful handling, especially as the Moon also ties to Mars and Saturn. This can be an unusual situation in which others may not see the full potential in a bold idea. Furthermore, adjusting their perspective could be the key to gaining their co-operation and might perhaps only be attained through discussion and a willingness to compromise. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Go easy where finances are concerned, particularly if you need to talk over issues with a partner, whether business or romantic. It can be very easy to get the wrong end of the stick now and over coming days, which could lead to you taking the initiative in a situation where it might be better to have discussed things first. However, with care a milestone may be achieved.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may need to adopt a tactful approach over coming days, especially if home and family issues are a talking point. In fact, today's lunar phase could spotlight a difference of opinion that may not be that easy to resolve unless one of you is willing to give way or be flexible. Your horoscope reveals it may even be wise to defer key decisions if possible, as this situation can yet evolve.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be in need of some time out, as the current backdrop along with a Quarter Moon in a secluded sector of your chart suggests it could help you to deal with a surfeit of emotions. With both Saturn and Mars aligned in your work, lifestyle and efficiency sectors, you may be rushing to get everything done, when a break could achieve better productivity.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It can help to take a practical approach to financial affairs, as today's blend of energies reveals you could be tempted by one strand which may not be cheap. If you're interested then it might be wise to adopt a cautious approach and perhaps save for this item, or purchase it at a later date. Nevertheless, a small windfall could be a possibility over the next day or so.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Even though you may be keen to proceed with a goal or key ambition, you might meet with some resistance over coming days which could have the effect of depleting your enthusiasm. Bearing this in mind, it might be better not to initiate anything new just yet, but to bide your time and perhaps even rethink things. Soon enough other opportunities can emerge.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Remain alert to hidden elements associated with a deal, a new idea or even when making arrangements to travel or study. There could be details in the small print that you should be aware of before you sign on the dotted line. Moreover, as Mars moves to link closely with Neptune over coming days, neither take someone else's words at face value. Stick to the facts.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A change in the values of a friend or close associate may see you wondering about the tie. However, one question you might need to ask yourself is whether you are adhering to the past, instead of allowing this person the flexibility to change and move forward. It might be one of those situations when allowing them the benefit of the doubt can be the best option to take.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may need to take extra care when dealing with someone in authority, especially over coming days. The temptation can be to resist what they have to say, even though they're trying to help. With Neptune involved in the mix, you might even be basing your thoughts on a false premise, Sagittarius. So do be sure you are on the right track before you take things further.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The planetary backdrop suggests cutting back your schedule over coming days if possible, especially as lunar links to Mars and Saturn can mean energy levels could tend to fluctuate. You might have some big ideas, but consider reviewing them, as one could with greater analysis prove somewhat impractical. Look to streamlining your approach where possible, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Certain people may surprise you with their attitude, which could be a tad jealous or even possessive. With powerful energy affecting Mars and Saturn in your social sector, certain friends can also be resistant to an idea of yours. You may decide it's best to enjoy your own company for now and focus on those activities that you'll relish without interference from others.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be able to sidestep tensions building up on the home front by avoiding subjects that are a known issue. If they come up in conversation then adopting a tactful tone can be the next best thing. With a Quarter Moon upping tensions today you could find that it's easier not to rock the boat. Indeed, why not bring up such matters next week instead, Pisces?