Horoscopes Thursday 25th April 2019

The Capricorn Moon links to both sobering Saturn and intensive Pluto today, which can put our attention on the more serious issues of life.

Still, if we have duties and responsibilities to attend to we will likely do so as efficiently as we can. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 25th April 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 25th April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If you need to take the lead on a key strand, the Moon in Capricorn and its potent ties can give you the necessary wherewithal to see this through. Mind, with hazy Neptune also in the mix, it can be just as well to double check any finer details. This may be a case of testing each step as you go over the days ahead, as there could be a flaw in your plan that isn't obvious. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may want to keep something private, but it is possible that it's already known about among friends. Is this really such an issue though? You may find that others' perspectives are not the same as yours, and that what seems sensitive in your eyes Taurus, is really nothing to them. Besides, those who have known you a long time would likely happily support in this anyway.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun aligning with the radical Uranus, someone could give you much food for thought. They may share something that moves you deeply or that helps you to see an issue in a new light. If you have been impatient with yourself for not taking a step forward sooner, then their perspective could prove very reassuring Gemini, and could give you the confidence you need.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A sizzling tie between the Sun and restless Uranus, can coincide with an invite to experience something new. This might add a lighter note to the coming days and give you something to look forward to. And if you have friends who can join you, then so much the better. What occurs could plant a seed that may blossom over time into an interest that then becomes a big part of your life.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you find yourself at odds with someone, then it may be because they do not understand you. Part of the issue may be that you don't want to give too much information away too soon, and that once you do, trust may develop. There is a lot to be said for listening to your instincts, as doing so could help you to navigate through this situation and come out of it in a good way.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon in your sign aligning positively with Pluto and Saturn, you may be keen to prove a point about something you feel passionately about. This line-up suggests that you might even go out of your way to show others that you are right. Don't overdo this though Virgo, as your horoscope suggests that what is true for you may not be for another. Make your point, but look not to try too hard.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The people in your life may prefer to know what you are doing, so they know where you are if they need you. The coming days could see this issue ongoing Libra. You may not enjoy being pinned down and could drop everything to do something that you find more personally fulfilling. Do not hold back however from telling family or friends if you need some time to yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This is not the best time to make promises, even though you may be very sincere, as dreamy influences over coming days can make it more difficult to fulfil them. In fact, it might help to make things as easy as possible for yourself by only committing to what you can do. Give yourself and also others some leeway and go with the flow, rather than trying to tie things down to the '€˜nth degree.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With lively Mercury and sweet Venus in your leisure zone, you can tap into a playful energy that may assist you with creative solutions, or that could boost a developing romance. Concerning more personal goals though, trusting your intuition could allow you to accomplish more. Although logic is important, listening to any inner nudges could help you move faster Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon linking to dreamy Neptune in your sector of communication, you may find it easy to tune into others' moods, but they too might sense what you are thinking. If there is something you are mulling over that you are not saying, then people may have guessed it. Being open about this issue might be wise, as it can stop further talk and allow you to explain yourself.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Someone may surprise you with news or with an invite that you can't refuse. And this could add a cheerier note to the coming days, especially if certain issues have been playing on your mind and you need a respite. A chance to chat and to enjoy some good company could do you the world of good. Inviting guests over for an impromptu get-together can be equally uplifting.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may benefit greatly from moving your body and exercising more. And if you have time for one or two longer or more energetic workouts, so much the better. With a restless aspect still lingering, this could allow you to channel pent-up energy and feel much calmer as you go about your day. Soothing activities such as a walk in nature, might help you feel easier too Pisces.