The Moon in Aquarius forges a really nice alliance with Mercury today. Although a quick one, this along with the newly arrived Sun in Libra, is going to help to engender a greater flow of communication.
What can't be denied is that Mercury is still deeply affected by Pluto. If we encounter somebody who seems intent on inflicting their ideas or opinions upon us, at least the Moon can help to distil the tension by injecting some extra logic and detachment. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 24th September 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Venus and Uranus still link you can crave for something a bit different for entertainment today. If this is the case, you might want to pick up a novel or go see a movie that inspires or makes you laugh. It's also possible that a spontaneous invite has the makings of a special evening that could turn out to be quite memorable.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As Mercury continues to regress, this probably isn't the best time to move ahead with a job or make changes to your lifestyle. For now, bide your time and research what's currently available. Nevertheless, you could feel enthused about home decorating projects with Venus encouraging you to give your abode a makeover.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A developing Mars Saturn connection hints at frustration regarding current plans. And, it seems the person whose agreement you're most keen to secure could be the one you're having most trouble with. It's not worth trying to change their minds at this time, but if you're patient, in time they may come around to your ideas.{copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There's something to be said for home delights or good company, which is why you might want to invite a friend to drop by for a coffee and a chat. Conversation can be animated, yet could suddenly veer into contentious waters. However, this might be exactly what's needed to get closure on a past incident – and so move on.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Listen to your inner voice today and don't be pushed into anything that doesn't feel right. Above all, don't let others pressurize you into making a commitment that you may be unable to fulfil. You'll do better if you channel your energy into constructive relationships and projects that have the greatest chance of positive outcomes.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although work, admin and domestic concerns can keep you busy don't feel you have to take care of everything by yourself. Delegating certain tasks can leave you free to tackle projects that are of prime importance. Even so, where a pleasure plan is concerned you could make an error of judgment unless you ask a few questions.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A sobering event could take the wind out of your sails, particularly if you were hoping for a positive outcome. However, it's best to learn any lessons now before you get too involved – and while there's time to make changes. Looking to the evening, a spontaneous invite can be just what's needed to help you relax and unwind.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Though you may feel daring and adventurous, current trends suggest a need for caution, so don't go too far afield or take on more than you can handle. Nevertheless, Jupiter's presence in your social sector is giving you added confidence where mingling and networking are concerned, and can lead to some pleasing new connections.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With Saturn back in your sign you may notice you'll become more sensitive to the ups and downs of life, and may feel more restricted. However, you'll also find that being active can do more for your outlook and state of mind than anything else. Furthermore, overcoming one challenge might encourage you to tackle others.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An idea that seems full of potential could prove to be more trouble than it's worth – and perhaps costly too. Today, a healthy degree of scepticism may be your safeguard against loss. When it comes to evening pursuits look for activities that take you out of your comfort zone. You could learn something to your advantage.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If someone seems awkward or bent on opposing you, you may be moved to dig a little deeper, particularly if they're acting strangely too. Indeed it might be easier to get some distance from them, rather than attempt to remedy matters right away. The ability to see things in perspective could help you make a shrewd decision.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As Mars prepares to power into Virgo and your relationship sector, you may notice how certain people's attitude seems to subtly change towards you. Perhaps someone close is pushier than usual or ready to embark on a power trip. However, equally you will have the choice of being more assertive and outspoken yourself, Pisces.