With the Moon in Virgo forging a practical aspect with sobering Saturn this can be a very constructive day.
Although in a more serious mood a down-to-earth focus can assist you in completing something and doing an excellent job. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 24th October 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 24th October 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If a key association has fallen into a routine, then the presence of Mars in your sector of relating, can bring opportunities to add a little extra zest and make life more exciting. Indeed, you may well be in the mood for something very different. Today's lunar tie to Uranus suggests that if you enjoy a new experience together, it might encourage you to explore other exciting options.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A relationship issue may seem confusing, but might not be so difficult to resolve after all. All that is needed is clarity so that you can do what is necessary. With Venus linking to ethereal Neptune, part of the issue may relate to other people's well-meaning advice, some of which might be impractical. Venus's developing link to Pluto though, brings potential for a positive shift Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You could be pleasantly obsessed with an activity and the people connected with it, and because of this, might want to involve yourself more and more. While this can be very good for you, others in your life may feel left out, unless you allow them to join in too. If it is one of your special indulgences though, making time for them in other positive ways can be just as pleasing.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Shared values can be at the heart of a new friendship or a romance, that could grow stronger by the day. With sultry Venus making passionate and romantic links, a developing bond could deepen, especially once you realize how much you have in common. A key bond may need more sensitive handling though Cancer, as your horoscope reveals that a misunderstanding could perhaps mar a social occasion.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You might disagree with someone's actions, but the question is how well do you really know them? A face-off between the Moon and a sensitive influence in an emotional sector, suggests that there may be aspects of their nature you haven't encountered before, and this can be one of those times. Would talking help? It might, if it allows you to understand them in more depth Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although you can feel positive about a plan and confident about going ahead, this may not be the case in all areas of life, especially regarding a relationship matter. It may be difficult for you and another to see eye-to-eye, and it is this that could be at the heart of a crucial issue. Being the one to reach out and start a healing conversation is never easy, but you might feel moved to do so.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While you may have made light of a potential romance over recent days, you could be loath to let others know just how intense your feelings really are. Strong emotions can build fairly fast and this might be both delightful and difficult to handle. Even so, it may be wise to bide your time with this, as there could be a change of heart. See how it all pans out before making a move.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With warrior Mars angling towards cautious Saturn, there could be some frustration over coming days, and it may be down to difficulties in knowing what to do next. Don't try to force a decision as the answer will come, so there is no need to put pressure on yourself. On another note, an intense encounter suggests you may have more in common with someone than you realize.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Moon aligning with energizing Uranus in your lifestyle zone, you might feel proud of how far you have come with a cutting-edge idea. Now all you need to do is keep at it until it is accomplished. Is there anything that may be getting in the way of you doing so Archer? Think carefully, as this is a good time to clear the decks and give yourself a lot more wiggle room.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As seductive Venus in your social zone aligns harmoniously with dreamy Neptune, you could promise something without checking what it entails exactly. Venus's potent link to Pluto might help you remedy this matter though. If you get an inkling and feel a tad put upon, then do something about it rather than bottle it up. Then you can negotiate a better agreement Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It can help to make a tentative decision, even if you aren't sure of the exact path you want to follow. If you are having trouble with this, then your instincts can assist you in choosing the best way ahead. The cosmos encourages you to take the plunge as opposed to losing precious time hoping to make up your mind Aquarius. And if you are not happy, you can easily change.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Lunar ties to practical Saturn and lively Uranus, can encourage you to draw closer to someone because of the chemistry you have with them. Although this could be a romantic bond, it might involve a developing friendship where you feel good in this person's company and enjoy their original ideas. Ready to collaborate? It could work out very well for both of you Pisces.