The Sun in Gemini aligns with the Moon in Aquarius, which makes for a sociable day when liaising with others can be a real pleasure.
If we are attending an event it may be a very positive affair where we easily make new connections that could prove useful in so many ways. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 23rd May 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 23rd May 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While Mars in the sign of Cancer the Crab, can encourage you to hang onto things if they have sentimental value, a Moon Pluto tie can be a call to let go. Decluttering on an inner and outer level may be very good for you, giving you more space on the inside and the outside. Releasing uncomfortable emotions as well as items you no longer need, can leave you happier.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Are you frittering away energy by getting involved in dealings at a distance? If so, you may be better off focusing on opportunities that are closer to home. With two heavy-weight planets rewinding and opposing your point of destiny, something that dazzles may not be so good for you, and options in your local area that appear much less exciting but could be more satisfying.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may feel positive about the options open to you, and this can inspire you to inject energy into them. One area where it pays to look to the long-term rather than the short-term, is that of finances and business. Rather than pool your resources, the cosmic picture can be a call to seize those opportunities that might help you grow your personal money pot, leaving you more secure.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Mars in your sign, can make you very animated and keen to tackle any obstacles that lie in your path. In contrast, a dreamier focus could blur boundaries, making it difficult to distinguish between those issues that are of vital importance and those that are fairly trivial. If you are to get as much done as you would like, then your horoscope hints it may help to fine-tune priorities over coming days.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A lovely Sun Moon tie can pave the way for a delightful social occasion that you might want to repeat in the future. This can be a special date for two, or a chance to hang out with a group of friends. Whatever it is, the spirit of harmony and conviviality will make it memorable. On another note, giving some of your time to reflection and meditation could prove empowering.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It doesn't matter how good the experts are, if your instincts tell you something different, then it may be wise to trust them. You know your present predicament better than anyone, which is why the words of someone who should know better may sound hollow and leave you cold. Following your gut feeling though, could mean that whatever bothers you is swiftly resolved for good.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With fiery Mars now in your career zone, you'll find it easier to make your mark. To fully utilize this sterling influence Libra, it helps not to be too modest. Even if you do have a preference for working behind the scenes, the coming weeks are an opportunity to step out and show that you are capable of fulfilling your dreams. This may mean making a bold move, but it is so worth it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Affairs of the heart may be important to you over coming days, and you can do well if you play your cards right Scorpio. And surprisingly, a significant other with a special gift or treat could amp up the passion in your bond. On another note, someone's bright suggestion could allow you to see possibilities that might revolutionize aspects of your life, and that could be lucrative too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Emotions and finances may be linked more than you realize, with cautious Saturn and passionate Pluto rewinding in your money zone. Resentments caused by past or present issues may block your cash flow to an extent, and this can be remedied by gently processing through such matters. It is not unknown to experience a financial boost after sincerely forgiving someone Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you need to clear the air, then Mars in the sensitive sign of Cancer, can help with this. It might mean listening carefully to what someone has to say before jumping in with your own ideas. Yet true two-way communication can allow you to appreciate where another is coming from. And if you submit to this process, then what seemed an impenetrable issue may resolve much faster.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It's a time to work smarter rather than harder, by finding a method that can simplify daily tasks and even make them enjoyable. If you can, find a gadget to do it for you even better, as you'll have enough leeway to make the most of sizzling influences and enjoy life to the full. It's best not to cut corners though, as doing so could disappoint those who may be relying on you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Snap to it Pisces, as if you leave your most important plans till last you might miss out, and someone could beat you to it. One area where you might want to be proactive is regarding romance. Whether solo or already entangled, don't leave off asking your partner or significant other on a dream date, as life can intrude and you may forget. Do it while it is fresh in your mind.